or horseshit. Which would be considerably less fun.
or horseshit. Which would be considerably less fun.
But how will I fell superior to people if I can’t shop at Whole Foods? :(
Country music today is nothing but pop songs sung with a southern accent and maybe a token country-specific instrument thrown in if the producer is feeling generous that day.
This is too complicated for me. Simply said, I have a crush on a guy at work. He’s cute, hard working, single, and i’d like to bone him one day. Is that wrong?!?!
Am I a bad person for taking almost as much joy in the pee-pants tantrums the Conservatives are throwing over the ruling as in the ruling itself?
And, I must add, do not EVER and I mean EVER get in a whirlpool/hot tub that is not personally yours and which you have cleaned out yourself. Foam in a hot tub is gross dead skin cells, lotions, excretions, effluvia, etc. I once worked at a YMCA where a woman used the hot tub in the women’s locker room and left a note…
You swimmin with crocs? Cuz you in da Nile.
I’m here in Louisiana and I must say, I’ve seen a bit more than usual. My bf says it’ll help us spot the ones that want us dead. I imagine the Northern half of Mississippi is awash in them today, but I’m not crossing the river to see.
“Check the port wing for varmints” has now been added to the preflight checklist.
Tell me I’m not the only one who saw ads for this (this was a TV spot, not the full trailer) and assumed this was an early 90’s period film.
Nice to have something sweet on this shit sandwich of a day :).
I’m definitely proposing to my next husband. These things have inspired the fuck out of me.
“they’re all prissy white people who think they’re above such banal things as knowing who Kim Kardashian”
This is a great comment. It’s sad that most young men learn about sex from porn which, in most cases, doesn’t even portray real sexual acts (most women don’t spontaneously orgasm from being jack hammered for 2 minutes and then thoroughly enjoy getting cum shot in their eyes) or worse, focuses on the humiliation of the…
So I watched the documentary and like most people was pretty disgusted. This is controversial, but isn’t it possible that *maybe* having all these videos online that boys watch that glorify women being raped or forced into performing various sexual acts desensitizes them to the ugly reality of sexual assault and *may*…