Now imma throw my gyroball

Damn fine technique and show’s the sign of an experienced club abuser. ALWAYS toss/hurl the club towards your target as it saves the extra walking for either the player or caddie. Unless, of course, you want to go full “postal” and toss into a pond/creek/river/lake/ocean, in which case one just whirlybirds it without

Golfing is fun!

Even more ridiculous that Gammons would be nominated for worst tweet when that was obviously the best tweet of the year.

I would imagine there's going to be a fair amount of cargo shorts in attendance.

I’ll still be working (until 11p eastern) will the awards be published on the website tomorrow?

Prediction: This gets higher ratings than “All Takes Matter”.

Ms. Goldsberry must finally be satisfied.

What is Hamilton?

Holy shit, the guy is a Flat Earther as well!

Please, please don’t use pictures of this fuckwad’s face to headline posts.


This bubble isn’t going to burst like the Chinese construction industry or anything.