Now imma throw my gyroball

This is a professional league where the goal is to put together the best team possible in order to win titles. Why are we insisting that guys go out and handicap themselves with a bunch of average teammates in order to overcome it? Its cheating if you go play with good players? What the fuck nonsense is this? You’re

Good point. I mean, where was all the outrage when Kyle left for 538? Did Marchman and Drew yell at each other like all the folks on ESPN. I bet Drew was the SAS, lambasting Kyle for making poor career move.


Head over to James Shield’s Instagram to see pics of his dead arm.

Wow, Cueto really threw us a curveball, which is something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

I haven’t seen him for a few days because of work travel and I miss him terribly. My mom gave him a kiss and sent me a photograph.

A shandy or a spritzer

A second beer.

When is the Deadcast going to get some other writers as guests? I could listen to Marchman and Drew berate Draper for a solid hours...

I have a question: Albert sucks.