Now imma throw my gyroball

Well I guess we need to define what "rich" is then.

The rich aren't job creators? How?

I am an asshole. And the rich are the job creators.

Cool, want a call or a put or a cookie?

Thanks for ur generosity.

Cool story. Your comment really gave me the impression that you are a professional.

By the way I don't remember talking about capital gains.

There's a different between income tax and capital gains? Your internet bullying caused me amnesia.

You can come work for me.

You really convinced me you went to college with your proper use of "you're."

"Most" rich people don't? You know that for a "Fact", right? Please tell me why, O wise tax attorney.

Blah blah lib rhetoric the highest tax bracket pays 39.6% but Gawker told me one rich person was a crook so I believe all rich people don't pay taxes.

The poor should pay their taxes too.

What if it's anal?

Get a job.

It doesn't matter to the performer if there's talent or no talent as long as you have a contract to expend time and effort to a record company than has manufactured the performer to appeal to angsty teens. But it is better for the record company to manufacture talent in order to mitigate the risk that the performer

Lady Gaga has talent. Lana doesn't.

I had the misfortune of seeing her at Lolla. So many people screaming "Lana! Lana!" which after a while I was ok with because it drowned out her music. Still, her popularity mystifies me. Do people actually like to hear how her pussy taste like Pepsi Cola?

I may be in the minority here but I think Lana Del Rey is talentless and is just a product drawn up by her record company to appeal to angsty teens.

Hey don't forget the guys!