I love you, Barry. Never leave Deadspin.
I love you, Barry. Never leave Deadspin.
Yeah. I'm new to this annotations thing.
Fernando Torres DUAN
This guy. TFM.
Terrance Jones : Patrick Bateman
Ten years too late DUAN
The offense will be fine. They are loaded at running back. The bigger story should be the impending suspension of CB Bradley Roby (who was suspended in Bloomington, Indiana/ what the fuck was he doing in Bloomington?). The secondary is supposed to be the anchor of the defense and Roby is clearly the best DB (though…
Silly commenters, who don't read the article before commenting.
They look like they look like they expect to win every game now. This isn't the USMNT we are accustomed to, and it's absolutely incredible.
I checked out L'homme Run. P-I-Z-Z-A-P-A-R-T-Y. Love it, thanks for the recommendation.
That is pretty funny- Don't Lie and Hudson are the two songs I didn't really get into. Though Hudson is growing on me- it helps when I listen to it in my good headphones. But we both agree that VW is super juicy. I think I was disappointed with Don't Lie because the fifth song on their previous albums (M79 and Taxi…
He might be the most versatile actor of his generation. Portly, yes, but smart as a whip.
I agree, it's much different from their first two. Each album is terrific in its own way, but MVoTC is when they put it all together. You can really hear them chemistry between Ezra and Rostam. They are just feeding off one another the entire album.
Investigating mail fraud again?
Nice! I am listening to MVoTC now. It's uh, what's the word? What's the word? Juicy.
Vampire Weekend. I pre-ordered the cd for my girlfriend...yadda yadda yadda...she got the cd last week and loves it. I love it too. Would definitely recommend it. Anyone think the same? Or do people still hate them because they are "pretentious"?
I'm reading 'American Psycho' by Ellis. It's pretty good. Graphic, sexual, but misogynistic. Can't say I would recommend it to a reader of this website.