Now imma throw my gyroball

Haven't seen it yet, but I imagine Elaine is sexy as ever.

I have neither a job nor a woman, but I imagine video games will have to be played on the weekends during the time when you and the future Mrs. used to get bombed.

Didn't see it, but Keith Law just answered a question on Twitter saying that Van Slyke is projected as an extra OF.

I'm drinking delicious* Miller Lite tonight. You?

+1 violation of the ABA Model Rules.


This is great. +1



Me too. I feel like a chump. Or maybe I feel like a chump because I've watched this video ten times today.

When he sobered up, Delmon felt that he would make a good Jew after learning that they throw Bat Mitzvahs.

Chelsea: 4 shots, 1 kill. Barcelona: 22 shots, 0 kills

I counted six I's in your post.

Maybe it's not all about you. Maybe you should just get drunk.


Who are you looking forward to seeing?


So I had tons of sex this weekend* and now I'm incredibly hungry. I just killed a whole bag of Doritos.**

What is a 'real hipster'?

Compared to their rivals, Notre Dame pays a time-and-a-half for working at high elevation.