
Hah. This is nightmares and lolz simultaneously. Well done, good sir.


I have to admit, this video is great. Simply because of the full glass canopy and high quality video, it kind of takes your breath away.

Cool shades, guys.

Wow, that's an awesome idea. Why does every small plane not have this?

No way. When you're driving a Ferrari with 963HP, you don't want a steering wheel, you want a steering 'hang on to me for dear life' handle. That's exactly what this is.

Hah, man... Top Gear has always made me feel that way.

So, Singham... it looks like they shot the 'action' scenes at about 15mph and just sped up the tape to make it look fast. Yeah, hey... psst, India, come here a second. Yeah, that shit don't work. At all. Try again, this time, hiring stunt men who aren't total pussies.

Who gives a frak what she can hit? She can have my meat.

Because sniper is thirsty. DURRRRR.

Or they can just chill out, remember it's a video game and enjoy their day without taking everything so seriously.

Kimi wouldn't go back to Ferrari, no matter how much you pay him. While I do think Kimi has that Red Bull 'image', I agree that having two alpha drivers will not work out well.

Well, Fernando is basically stuck at Ferrari, as long as he's in F1. Think about it, there's not a single team [who he would want to race for] that would take him. I don't blame him for saying the car is shit, I'm surprised he made it this long without saying it. He deserves better but Ferrari can't seem to deliver

Wow, where is that system from?

I cannot say I care for this rear end, at all.

Believe the white button is the radio channel.

Engine mappings and fuel flow. Turn it up for more power, down for less.

Good Fucking Lord...

I grew up in Knoxville. You are correct to back off - just never know when one of those rednecks is loaded on meth/oxy/retardedness and wanting to shoot something. I'm halfway kidding, of course.

Ok, so what's going on in Spain? This episode of Top Gear is the very first I've heard about [parts of] the city being abandoned. Was this more 'Top Gear trickery' or is Madrid truly abandoned, as they showed?