
love those classic Toyota Racing colors, gives me an Astrodome upper deck feel lol

Why bother with the wing? It's already grounded to the ground...

Guilty until proven innocent, duh.

Uhh, dude, if your car is a manual transmission car, you SHOULD ALWAYS use the parking brake.
If you have an automatic, you may have a legitimate argument that the parking pawl consitiutes a brake, as it stops the wheel from rotating.

why was secret service working today? Politicians should go unguarded during a government shutdown, perhaps there would be no shutdowns?

I love how she just turns around. At least she knows when to call it a day.

"Well, I was going to cross the road, but now I'm going to go back home to change my underwear".

They look very cozy to me. Then again, I love being in small, closed-in spaces like these.

Manhattan, full of car hating weirdos.

you open my door with my family inside, you're lucky if the bike is the only thing injured. Step 1. Floor it Step 2. Reverse Step 3. repat until creamy

Just one of the Mustang's three lights is big enough for the US DOT requirement. I love the Mustang signals, but the Audi's are up front and cooler in my book.

Just about everything else from the early 1900's sucked, but hell... being able to buy heroin over the counter I think makes up for it all. If I were alive back then, hands down that's how I would have spent my fortune.

Looks both surprised and upset at the same time. Perhaps it's repulsed by getting the eyes and mouth stuffed with giant metal objects.

I think he should start a space lottery like the regular lottery except the winner gets to go.

The skill of that uber forklift operator was impressive.

The cartels have the power they do *because* the drug trade is illegal and underground. If it were legal, these cartels would be up against billion-dollar American corporations that would crush them like bugs. How big was the moonshine trade during Prohibition? How big is it today? Now apply that to weed.

If we would just legalize drugs all of this nonsense wouldn't happen. The bad guys would have no power. People who are going to do drugs are going to do them regardless of if they're legal or not.