
I do not like Jessica Alba. She was and is pretty on the outside but I think she is a miserable person on the inside. I haven't had a thing to do with her. I just base this on my feelings when I see her looking pissed off all the time. She is all smiles if someone is paying but otherwise she is all sullen and dark

If I remember correctly, James Dobson created the FRC then made it a separate entity when the government threatened to take away FOTF's tax exempt status.

No. I am going to insist on this point. I remember being 34 as well. Time did not seem to move as quickly. Fashions did not seem to change as quickly. Music fads seemed to last longer. This is one of those things you are just going to have to live and experience. It will hit you in your 40's at some point. Talk to me

James Dobson is their leader who walks around dressed as Skeletor and ranting about "the gays". They live in an underground bunker in Colorado Springs.

Not to someone who is 48. I bet you are about 28? See if you feel the same way about time 20 years from now? Age will fuck you up!

Those were in style a mere few years ago. Such short memories.

There is no right answer to these things. But I would caution my sons not to go into debt for a wedding. Keep it Simple Stupid is the best motto unless rich parents are paying for the whole shebang!

Paris Hilton must wish it was still 2006 sometimes! What can you say about this Klan that hasn't already been said. As a man, I think they are very sexually attractive. I think they appeal to me as willing sex objects with their plumped lips and dark, sultry looks. As a female, I must assume that they are living the

I was just thinking I should hit the hay and then I saw this video you posted and it sealed the deal. Good-night!

You are attractive Meg...the spitting image of Shannon Doherty!

You have the best response Meg. All three paragraphs. Chris was really into Becca but under the influence of his family and Becca's inability to lie to him to win, Chris took the road of least resistance and proposed to Whitney. In the chat session with Chris Harrison, it appeared that Chris still wasn't really

It's never a surprise to any of us who have been on this earth for more than a minute. But how many times do we have to go through this cycle of some teen being held up as a role model and put on a pedestal and then a few months later, watching them inevitably fall to earth because they finally hit puberty and

I got turned off by the first episode. I want to like it because I loved 30 rock and I love Tina Fey. But that first episode was bad.

"Bigoted Enclaves" is the perfect way to describe so many of the little villages and towns throughout the U.S. This is not just a frat problem or a southern problem. It's a problem wherever white people have managed to keep themselves isolated from the growing diversity of the rest of the country. I only hope that

And this is reflected in the generational difference in getting news. The olds are probably not online as much of the day and maybe located in more rural areas where the online world is harder to get to, so they stick to TV and to one channel that tells them that the world is going to hell and its because of a black

I am getting closer to old white man territory myself each year but I hope to remain progressive all my life. But every time I see a picture of congress it is just old white men that obviously do not represent the vast, heterogeneous mixture that is modern, 21st century America. They represent the past and the want

Exactly. One way or the other. Both have pros and cons but can our State or Federal governments just pick one and stay with it year round. This isn't worth losing even one life over. I have a feeling that after a certain generation of old white men die off (current leaders of congress) then this thing will get


There are way too many of her ilk in the current workplace. Hard charging and totally career oriented. But equipped with no empathy whatsoever.

Capitalism has taken off its velvet gloves in the past few years, especially since the recession. Your average employer wants nothing but long hours and smiling faces from you and for that they want to reward you with as little as they possibly can get away with. There was a time when employers were proud of the