Yeah cats are definitely "judgey" that way. But they lick their own genitals so who are they really to judge?!
Yeah cats are definitely "judgey" that way. But they lick their own genitals so who are they really to judge?!
A good and thoughtful article. My kids are just about ready to leave the nest. I am an a old and followed the pattern I was taught (as we default to....see reasons why not to spank). So my firstborn son got spanked occasionally and thumped on his head more often (with my finger). The second born got way less of both…
People are disgusting. I am all for masturbation done privately at home in front of the cat.
I love TKAM like everyone else does. She wrote a universally beloved book but damn this woman does not come off as friendly.
Although I am a newbie to this show, it is a universal truth that saying shit about another person usually makes you look just as bad. Carly apparently never has learned that lesson and loved to word vomit at the camera every chance she got. Same with Ashley I. Britt seemed to be operating at a whole 'nother level…
I am a first time watcher of this show and have loved this season. However what you are saying makes sense. How could anyone raised on this show (like every one of these women said) believe this kind of a setup could really breed true love. It is a game show that you either win or lose. Your consolation prize is that…
I was wondering that too. Usually when you see a woman cry while wearing makeup, the mascara runs rivulets down the cheeks. Her goop stayed intact. Her lipstick never smudged. Jade should talk with her about her secrets since she is in the cosmetics biz.
I like it. Yes it has a 1980's vibe and sheen and maybe that is why it appeals to these old ears. I love girl pop. I just do.
Joan Rivers had a unique place in Hollywood. She cultivated her role as outsider after she met with rejection after rejection over many years. She paid her dues over decades and made the red carpet an event for Television in the 90's and early 2000's. So Hollywood took jabs from her in stride and almost as a badge of…
It really isn't. That was created in a lab!
Some good news to balance our loss of Leonard Nimoy!
I find the easiest way to avoid judgments from others is just to keep them away. I am very selective about who I invite to my house.
Too bad the poor don't have a lobby like the olds and the medical establishment do. No one looks too hard into Medicare and Medicaid and lives to be re-elected.
Absolutely. I doubt this ass wipe Grothman knows this because he has never used coupons in his goddamned life. Plus if I understand SNAP or WIC at all, you are only alloted a certain amount of money per month. If you spend it all on Lobster and Steak then you probably won't have much left in your account to buy…
And there is always the loophole!
or some GREAT porn!
Praising the white girl for locs but criticizing the brown girl for locs is an example of how insidious racial bias is. BTW without Joan I can't stomach this show anymore.
Chris has turned out to be the biggest damn fool of a man. He has thrown away some very good women to come down to baby talker Whitney and baby Becca. Jade would have been a great choice for him and my heart breaks for Kaitlyn who he strung along this whole time. I watched Kaitlyn go from being very snarky and "along…
I'm watching this show for the first time and I agree that it is as if these young women have gone back to their grandmother's era. This show must be extremely popular in Saudi Arabia and other countries where women are treated like cattle.
I think you hit the nail on the head. People have long memories. Joan had no fear and insulted just about every person who ever walked the red carpet both on TV and Film. I love her for it. Like Ricky Gervais, she was not afraid to prick ego balloons with her sharp wit. The people in the academy only had this one tool…