Good analysis. Chris is like putty in the hands of the producers. That is probably one big reason he got the job. He is easy to manipulate and create drama.
Good analysis. Chris is like putty in the hands of the producers. That is probably one big reason he got the job. He is easy to manipulate and create drama.
Good. I am glad you brought this up. Chris looked like a douchbag for this play.
I just wanted to comment on what an ass Chris was to take only Brit Kissyface to that concert. His not cool move just created more awkwardness and resentment among the women. Instead of only taking Brit Kissyface he should have taken them all. He could have still gone up on stage with Brit Kissyface and given her the…
She really is. She was not painted that way at first but when she pulled off the mask, she revealed her true nature. Just the idea that she has to go to Paris of all places to write. That fits with her self idea of how she is a smart, struggling artist. She sees herself as part of the lost generation. To that I say:…
Thanks for posting this. She is likable. She is just immature. I wish her well though and she got pretty far in the competition.
I agree. I love Mark's writing and his exploration of the porn world. Great piece.
I will miss you and the fact that you are a Burt fan. How many Burt fans can possibly be left at Jezebel?!
Oops... I guess I should have read further down the comments. Well you still are reasonable and will make a great parent.
You are reasonable and sound like you might even be a parent. One can usually tell when talking about kids who has kids and who doesn't. Those of us who have them know that how they turn out is dependent on many factors other than just parenting. Those who don't have children or only have very small ones are still…
Absolutely. I agree 100%. But as liberal as we supposedly are today, we just can't let sex be open and free. We seem to have to look at it as something secretive and dirty and taboo. I assume it is the Puritan strain that permeates our history but maybe it is deeper than that. I support Porn and its workers and wish…
I like that she is representing rock and roll. As an olds hearing all these mid-twenties women wax nostalgic about bands that still seem relatively new to me makes me feel ancient. But at the same time I feel vindicated too since I used to get eye rolls and side eye from members of this generation when I would talk…
Good point. He is a bit of a hothouse flower isn't he?!
For some reason I have followed her and her class of '99 (Xtina, Brit Brit and Jessica) since they all hit it big. Jessica and Mandy were definitely the second stringers. This article from the Washington Post in 2000… caught my attention back then and I have kept on eye on…
I don't think female periods are a huge deal in the military. Certainly not as big a deal as my father's generation probably anticipated them being. I was mostly thinking of elite groups like SEAL teams and Green Berets and Rangers. In some situations, it might not be advisable to have a woman on her period in the…
First off, I was being deliberately provocative. If a woman wants to fight and even die for her country and her fellow soldiers, let her do it.
I was purposely trying to be provocative but I appreciate your honest answer. It really does come down to the individual woman and if that woman has no major issues with her period and she meets all other criteria then she should be able to fight or play or whatever. But I can imagine situations where there are plans…
Well I expected that and worse.
Women in the last 2 or 3 decades have been very careful not to mention periods as being debilitating in any way for fear of what it would mean for the women's movement. But obviously this is not totally true. Some do have monthly cramps and mood swings that make life tough for them and others around them. And the…
You have hit on something very fascinating to me. Why are dolls that are more ethnic looking vilified as slutty. And why did scrubbing them of any ethnic identity at all make them somehow better? Are white people still living in the old world where all white men married the perfect white woman but then passionately…