Not necessarily. I love sexy feet when I happen to spy them but this abomination creeps me out. Who wants to fuck a bloody stump with looking at cold latex feet?!
Not necessarily. I love sexy feet when I happen to spy them but this abomination creeps me out. Who wants to fuck a bloody stump with looking at cold latex feet?!
That show was biased against male predators who were using chatrooms to find their prey. These female teachers all seem to use the old fashioned "let's buy em' booze" approach.
Yes cutting people out of your life, especially family, is hard. We are conditioned against it most of our young lives. But you have to live your own life and do what you need to do to get through it. If you find, as I have, that certain family members depress you or put you in a bad mental or physical space, then…
Hey that doesn't look like Joan Lunden on the cover! Nor Kelly Ripa! Nor Jennifer Aniston! Did they get their color correction right?!
My guess was either Alabama or Georgia. These states have a large population of folks who still deep down don't think slavery was all that bad. They are psychologically used to compartmentalizing their actions. Otherwise how could you be a Christian and be a slave owner? But through compartmentalizing, you can be.…
Hey...wait a minut....hey maybe you're onto something!
That was great. A new one for me. A laugh before bed. Thanks.
Makes sense. We probably spend the most on our bathrooms and we even have a store Called Bed, BATH and Beyond. We are just feeding the man while killing our skin. When working or in the summer, I take a shower every day. On weekends or the winter, its definitely every other day.
Me too. Twice. Well a couple more times if you count layoffs. Fucking sucks.
Yes they probably did bind her with a non-compete clause. I think these should be made illegal and in some states they hold no water but maybe in NY they are enforceable? Anyway just another example for anyone in the working world that once the management has turned against you for whatever reason, you are probably…
Thanks for posting that because I was recording Galavant and I can't watch a different channel at the same time. Only one tuner on my DVR. Great opening. Bill was warned he was going to get it. They killed.
Did you read the article above? Maybe her choice is not so huge. It is the thinking that every decision is life and death and sooo important that makes many of us panic and descend into anxiety and indecision.
I do that all the time. Every decision I make has to be life or death. I am currently out of a job because I chose to leave it due to it being a place I hated. And I now wake up in the morning telling myself that we are going to be living in a box on a heating grate because of my decision. This is not true, of course.…
That is interesting. I am not surprised by what you report. She always seems camera ready and that is probably the reason for it because she calls the Paparazzi. She is a very calculating, ambitious woman. Very Type A. I like seeing her face but I don't think I would want to wake up beside her everyday. I don't think…
Perfectly stated. This is a case of cognitive dissonance. These women all worked with Bill Cosby and he was by all accounts just as delightful in person as he was on the TV show. But that has no bearing on what "The Cos" did on the road and in other areas of his life and at other times in his life.
This makes sense. I am a fat guy and though I wouldn't wear shorts in the winter, I never wear sweaters and avoid heavy jackets whenever possible. I get overheated very quickly. I prefer the coolness of winter to the heat and humidity of summer by a wide margin. Just don't care for the darkness and gloom.
Very insightful and probably correct. I have a mother who would be the same way with me. She and I have never met as equals or friends. She was a good mother when that role meant controlling and caring for me. She was less of a good mother when the time came to start letting go and letting me become an adult and free…
and Obama is responsible for everything that every went wrong....
Much of my family still lives there and people there are quite friendly. But there is a sense of isolation there that allows them to say a lot of shit about other people of other varieties and get away with it because the area is about 98% white. When I visit home I feel as if I have stepped back into time and am…
I find that hard to believe but maybe the internet is expanding the exposure to the rest of the world. And since the internet has still not reached people like my parents who live there, and since there is a large proportion of elderly people in that area (retired farmers, steel workers, etc) I assume that its going…