It does. Been a ton of people who bettered our collective lives who died this year. Did even one fucking politician die this year?! Those bastards.
It does. Been a ton of people who bettered our collective lives who died this year. Did even one fucking politician die this year?! Those bastards.
He brought dignity and gravitas to everything he touched. To many of us olds he was also heavily associated with Dodge/Chrysler in the 90's:
Well we have to realize that we created this monster. The Patriot ACT gave them more power and we started teaching them to think that they were Heroes and to be suspect of everyone else sense they could be terrorists. We taught them well and now we are amazed that they have turned paranoid and nasty. …
I grew up in a hateful atmosphere like that. Not all northern areas are liberal. What has seemed to happen more and more in the last couple or so decades is that the liberals have moved to the cities and suburbs and the conservatives have moved to the marshes and woods and little rural towns. To be transgendered in a…
I don't agree with all that you say but it did occur to me that her note, to an adult like me, seemed all the more tragic because it kept using the word "never" and we all know that life changes tremendously for a person between 17 and 37. Had she been able to persevere and get to an area more accepting of…
I so agree.
Are you from Western N.Y by chance? I was raised there and that is the mentality.
So true. I have two sons, mostly grown now. I have fought the urge to turn them into copies of me and I shudder when I see signs of my weaknesses in either of them. The saying is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I am scared of how true that is. I want my sons to be vastly different.
That was a master class!
I take it you don't like his humor. You don't have to listen to him. I find him hilarious and always have. I am sure it is not lost on him that he has a fleet of porsches and that this is ironic given that he likes to throw things away. I guess if I had more money than God I would end up being hypocritical too. Money…
But Carlin is no longer with us and we need people like him and Jerry and anyone really, to keep reminding us of these important points. Especially at this time of year when we are most focused on stuff. Seinfeld is really doing an homage to Carlin and would probably admit it if you asked him.
I will post this because I don't care if I am not cool (I'm old). Nickleback has a new protest song:
I honestly thought she nailed it. I don't know why she is so late to the party with it but she sang it well. Nice slide show too. She is not gorgeous but she is attractive.
Me neither. For me it was the Sears and Montgomery Ward catalogs and their lingerie and foundations sections. This was desperation. but porn was very hard to come by. I absolutely hate the idea that despots or, worse yet, "do-gooders" are getting the power to censor what the rest of us watch.
Best response I have read to the article. I have complicated feelings about her too. She is obviously intelligent and creative and pretty and strong willed. She is also (insert negatives). But undeniably she is fascinating. I am never quite sure what is going to come out of her mouth and that makes her stimulating.…
I actually think there might be something to the Taylor and Karlie romance. It might be more one sided but I think there is a spark there. And how did you know I made my sister's Malibu Barbie's scissor?!
I am white and humbled by this piece. I am afraid to say much more than it makes me think.
I loved your article Kelly. I appreciate that you are from the deep South and were inculcated with the Bible stories from a young age but have now reasoned your way out of a lot of it. I am from the North but have done much the same thing. You hinted at your knowledge of twentieth century church history and I like…
Of course. He got his thrills this way too. Camille claims rightfully that she doesn't know this man. And she doesn't. He probably never got to slobber over her toes. It's the illicitness of the acts that got him off. People always assume that the face the public sees is the only face. But even in our own lives, are…
yes. I have been avoiding mirrors for quite some time now.