
Reverse sexism is not feminism. Nicki being a Dominatrix and boss bitch may play into some female fantasies but how is it any better than an old school rock band like ACDC singing about "giving the dog a bone". Feminism was about equal rights and equal pay for equal work. Now it has turned into some sham pissing

Not just Jesuits know these things, all intelligent people learn them. If you have curiosity, you begin to realize that most of our preconceptions and interpretations of child hood Bible stories are mistaken or misguided. I went through the process of unlearning all that I thought I knew and there is not much left to

I agree with both you and Wittyname. I have never watched the movie nor read the book but I remember in the 80's that they were still fairly popular. It was shown on network TV once in a while and girls in my school would check it out of the library and read it. It probably was not seen as that racist in that time

I think you make great sense. As a male I was not totally down with the 60's and 70's feminists but their beef with the objectification of women did make sense and still does. But around the early 2000's the what I call Christina Aguilera feminists arrived and they have been preaching this "empower women by dressing

I love Margaret and am glad she has got this show but I think she would have been even better as Craig Ferguson's replacement on the Late Late Show on CBS. Instead they hired the relatively unknown and presumably cheap Brit that is in the upcoming "Into the Woods" playing the Baker. (I'm too lazy to look up his name!).

"new rule is that she has to be carried — literally carried like a baby — when she doesn't feel like walking. She says that she doesn't want her precious feet to hit the floor."

I can understand a double take when you first see her but you are correct, you have to let your brain take over and realize that she is adult and performing in a way that she wants to. We just have to get over our misperceptions or even our misgivings and just let people be who they are.

But that is what made them classics. The late 90's was a mini-golden age of great films then we got into the comic book movies and fairy tales and there has been a shortage of those kind of gems since.

I completely agree with what you are saying. I guess my statement of attraction was just general and not specific to you. I have said it here somewhere before but I think too many people are getting their feelings about youth and sex confused and it makes them very uncomfortable. Youth pretty much equals sex. That is

She doesn't look like a child and it alright if she turns you on. But appearing on stage next to tall, leggy, women who are made even taller in high heels might not have been the best choice for her if she is at all concerned about being perceived as so tiny.

I love this board even though I don't fit the demo. But I am probably about 10 to 20 years older than the average poster here. And what I see that means is that I have mostly given up on trying to change my parents. It must be a common trait that men and women in their late 20s to late 30s have because I used to

Welcome to being an adult child of an older generation. My Dad is 85. Can you imagine the difference of opinion I have with him on such matters?! But I won't even bring it up at this point. Why bother. You are not going to change their minds. More than likely your Dad thinks he is quite progressive and it probably

That is a good answer. As a white male, I grew up watching arrest footage on local news and then shows like Cops plus all the cop shows of the 70s and 80s made black males look criminal. I also lived through Gangsta Rap. All of these factors soaked into my psyche like they have done to so many white brains. I am fully

true that!

Are you drinking while writing? I can't hardly follow your meanderings. I will apologize for using the words bitchy and hateful as applied to women in my last post. I get the sense you are a crusader against porn and that is your right to be against it. I also think this border patrol rape fantasy stuff is bad. I am

All I know is I like my cock more and more. Problem free and fun loving.

They also tend to cut your tongue. Am I alone in this observation? Lick one for a while and it kind of gets sharp along the shaft and slices into your tongue.

It really is a disconnect between reality and the religious right or at least Fox news.

I love the Critic. Best show and largely forgotten about since it aired before the internet became big.

"Hmm, sounds like the "if men don't have porn, they're going to rape more women" argument." Like a surgeon you picked up on that small slice of my argument and ignored the more important part about letting moralists and prudes decide what is or what is not moral and acceptable to watch.