Have a beer Sam. It really is ok. Think about how much more shit we know and understand than the majority here. Age has it's perks. Of course my kids don't want any of my "wisdom". They just roll their eyes at me! Lol.
Have a beer Sam. It really is ok. Think about how much more shit we know and understand than the majority here. Age has it's perks. Of course my kids don't want any of my "wisdom". They just roll their eyes at me! Lol.
Yes that will be satisfying to me too. Mean Girls turned 10 this year and all these Jezzies flipped out. Just wait.
Holy crap that was funny. Loved it. Thank you.
The people who run the prison system are not even sure what the purpose of prison is. Is it to rehabilitate or to punish?! Until this is cleared up, all prisoners will suffer.
true that. Long live Weird Al!
Thank you for this great review Tim. I found it in keeping with what I just saw on screen. This movie and its predecessor are above average mainstream films and I hope the following sequels maintain the same thoughtfulness and high standards.
You see his body in every scene he is in. The CGI is simply painted over him like a costume. Would you take away awards from anyone in costume then?
You are the kind of guy who goes to a party and explains how sewage is treated and how everyone at the party is drinking treated sewage water. How does your "reality check "have anything to say about the movie and it's message or Grierson's thoughtful review?
I tip the scales at Large and In Charge!
Yes. This article to me seems more about Mariah's outsize ego in the face of getting older. She is still trying to appear to be 29 when a quick google search tells us she is 44 and has the body of a 44 year old who eats well and is not a gym rat.
Very well put. I work with many scientists who have at least that much bank and besides the nice McMansion and the Lexus and maybe the kids at the Ivy league college, you really can't tell they are technically rich. Everyone dresses about the same anymore and most people, unless they were born into extravagant wealth,…
I am one of those that fundamentally does not like exercise with the exception of a nice walk on a perfect day. My preferred activities are sitting in my recliner, sleeping in my bed and taking a shower.
Do they hate Millennials? I kind of thought the site was run by Millennials?!
There are certain people that nobody at all cares about. IMHO if there is a Jesus and he came back, these would be the people he went to right off the bat.
This is a big reason Hollywood sucks for women, Sandra Bullock notwithstanding. Better grab all the cash you can by age 40 because after that it is a long dry spell.
Thanks for the scoop. I hate to break it to people out there but calling somone a BFF does not make it so. Just last month, millions of girls and boys wrote something similar in their high school yearbooks. Let's look at all those people five years from now or even 10 when they have their first reunions. How many of…
Yes it does. But as I said above, this cop lacked good common sense. And I agree that the professor was foolish in thinking that she could shame or argue him into letting her go. Once a cop engages, they are like terriers, they don't know how to back off. Their training and their egos are all about subduing the…
Exactly. Cops need to be taught to think about outcomes before they engage in shit like this. Once it starts there is no good way out for either party. I believe in law enforcement but I also believe in officers having good common sense. This officer didn't have good sense and I believe he might have wanted to harass…
No. I would argue with that. We exist to carry sperm and egg and repopulate our species. That is the bare bones answer according to science. And depending on your philosophical and religious views we may have other purposes.
Wonder what the teacher is going to look like this year?!