
Alright. I will concede that there a few like you out there that really want to test themselves in some way and therefore run the 5Ks. What I see on my Facebook timeline though is mostly chubby nurses who like to party and hang out and feel like they are doing a greater good by doing so.

This will be a scene in the movie of his life someday when on the same night the 4th movie of a series he was known for debuts the same night he is arrested for disturbing the peace and vagrancy. It will happen in the second act of the film and then we will watch him get his life back together and go on to become a

It's a lot of who you know, a lot of whose attention you can grab, and a lot of being shocking to get noticed.

Well now let me qualify what you said and I said. I think it is true that we are getting closer to a time when there will be no need for the opposite sex in order to have sex with them since we will have some sort of virtual reality or robot. And let's face it, right now we have our hands and various toys so it is not

Confession: I am not a runner. But I agree with you. The truth is most runners are not doing the 5Ks. Those people are losing toenails and pooping themselves running half marathons or marathons or triathalons. 5Ks are for people that really aren't into the running but they like the community aspect of it. Run/walk a

This might be the single most important topic you have ever contribued EGR! Anything and everything we see on the screen is a Grand Illusion!

I have shaved my legs a few times and also Naired them. It feels awesomely good when I then slide them into my pants or pajamas. But men of my generation (X) have been conditioned to think this is effeminate and if I admitted it to my friends I would be laughed at and mocked forever. My wife knows I have done this

Actually I have been saying for a while that men are no longer necessary except to provide sperm. I think the real unintended consequence of new sex technology is that less men and women will feel compelled to couple up. Of course various religions will still try to force people to marry before they can fuck but

Amen. One thing I love about getting older is seeing how ephemeral all these trendy things are. I now have lived through so many of these cycles of some brand that gets fashionable for about the time it takes for a kid to enter middle school and get through college. About a decade. Sometimes shorter. I just laugh now.

Your need for underwear is probably a symptom of your midwestern upbringing. I remember Garrison Keillor relating how hard it is to sleep in the nude on a hot summer night. Midwestern modesty demands a sheet so sometime during the night a person pulls up the sheet!

Somehow or other she just has that magical quality called "it". I can't put my finger on it but it keeps her in the spotlight.

I have learned so much since I started coming to this blog. I particularly liked this line:

Ah with age comes wisdom (usually). It does my old hardened heart good to hear affirmed what I have come to know as hard truth. It is all about connections. It always has been and always will be. Every job I have had in the last twenty some years has been because I have known someone inside of a company. Yes it takes

I tried to find it but I am certain that there was an article on Jez not too long ago that stated just what you did. The traits that make many people popular often continue to serve them throughout life. Us band nerds, theater nerds and just plain nerds may gripe about these people and hope for their downfall but it

I basically joined FB for the same reason but there is mostly so much image crafting going on all the time on FB that it is hard to really make any real determinations about people. The best you usually get is a recentish picture.

I was very impressed by edge of tomorrow and hope that its pummeling by the teen tearjerker doesn't keep good sci-fi from getting made in the future.

Just watched the movie this morning and I agree. It is very much like a video game (and why I don't like playing them). Every time, it is die and start over again. This is a great movie. Just as well executed as Gravity was. It ranks up with War of the Worlds and Minority Report for my favorite Tom Cruise Sci-fi

I think he is a very professional actor. He works hard and it shows. I don't much care what his personal beliefs are. He makes, like you said, good to excellent films every year and rarely makes a misstep. And he never phones it in.

Of course I will probably end up retiring there in the future to stretch my savings, but your description sounds about right to me based on my three or four visits.