
I agree with you. Physical books are great but as they collect they begin to become a huge burden. We will soon enough have every single book ever written at our fingertips thanks to this technology. Each of us able to carry around hundreds of them but also thanks to the increasing availability of wi-fi, to have


I have the same feeling. I see that stuff everywhere. Am I missing something too?

Hi there. I also like to put together sci-fi models. Probably not as advanced as you sound to be but I understand about the retooling and how they have permanently destroyed some of the older models. Funny but as I write this I am finishing up work on the BatBoat from the old Batman series. Polar Lights is good about

Re-purposing toys is not a new thing or even controversial. It is how the toy industry does things. For instance, action figures and dolls. It costs money to remold. Much better to simply recolor and maybe change the head or the accessories. Packaging is the biggest difference in most of these items. Kids are usually

No that is not true. Some of us definitely do. I have watched this long shoe cycle since around the time of the Jellies of the late 80's. I hated those things for some reason and started to really notice what women were wearing on their feet. I watched the whole Doc Marten epidemic and then the explosion of flip flops

Well I learn something everyday. Men are not usually taught much about female anatomy except what we see in porn. In this discussion I have learned that some females don't need to wear underwear and some feel that they absolutely need to wear them. As usual, to each his/her own and let's try not to be judgey about it.

Yes I think that is the biggest part of this. In order for people to find liveable wages, they are moving all over the place. Very rare to find a family that is all in the same town anymore. At least someone has moved to the big city. So it gets expensive just due to travel. But there has also been a buildup of the

This is the idea that a lot of young women have taken from the feminist movement, that they have to fight to get into the dominant position. That they have to act like the menfolk did, because they can do so and that its time for the men folk to learn what its like to be objectified and so on. Thats not equality,

I think I am crankier now too. Maybe I just read too much news. I get mad about all the shit I see going on in our country. The wealthy senators who seem to have a war on against poor people. The politicians that have played on the patriotism of young people and sent them to far off places to come back mangled and

Not really sure I should even weigh in here. This is not a level playing field for discussions of this sort. But I sometimes think Feminism has devolved into a sort of revenge fantasy that angry females engage in. Instead of true equality, some even seem like they just want to flip the script and make men take on the

Miranda is the kind of talent that wants to try everything and is not afraid to. Her modeling will always be her bread and butter but I think she is just the kind of person who will do anything if its a challenge. I think she comes off as a bit full of herself sometimes but she is so gorgeous and has that charming

Good for her and good for India. They are more progressive than the US in some ways.

Those pics are weird but not as good as this pic of me last year celebrating Easter with some friends on the way to the ritual sacrifice:

Ha. I kind of live like a hermit already. But in suburbia. No, I like people and being around one or two or three others at a time. But big groups and parties and social outings are draining. Luckily I am already old enough that a lot of social pressures have faded away. No one is urgently needing me for the softball

Your use of the word "Club" struck me because I came to the same conclusion about church going people about 10 or so years ago. After having been a part of three different congregations I realized that the people that join churches are also the people that join volunteer fire departments, the masons, VFWs, rod and gun

I'll probably still go see his upcoming movie but I won't feel good about it.

Exactly. That is the answer. If you want to keep it classy, just tell students to dress as they would do if they were going to an interview or court. To be professional. That let's people have a little leeway in what they chose to wear but still holds the whole affair to a standard. When are these knuckleheads who run

Yes. Although I want to express faux rage over this, I really can't. Anyone who has been alive for a few years and knew KLG from her days with Regis knows that she is a conservative evangilical and a busy body and a loudmouth. Nothing new here. Now if the story was about how Matt Lauer was best friends with Rush

Yes I think you nailed it. Us poors chase the bargains and if they are online now then that is where we go. The old adage about "If you got it, flaunt it" is a truism and so high end retailers will always have their customers and their malls. The Kardashians of the world are not going to be happy staying at home and