Another huge change that makes me realize that I no longer live in the world I was born into. Everyone on this board will come to the same conclusion at some time in there life. Probably in their 40's like me.
Another huge change that makes me realize that I no longer live in the world I was born into. Everyone on this board will come to the same conclusion at some time in there life. Probably in their 40's like me.
All I know is that it is going to be very difficult for these little girls to find keychains, mugs, and little license plates with their names on it when they go to amusement parks and malls.
To an adult, I can't think of anything I would less want to do. Large unwashed masses of people are to be avoided at all costs.
Love her. She wears pantyhose and her legs always look sexy. Love pantyhose.
That is hideous but funny. I have been saying for about a decade, How is it that Mickey Rooney is still alive?! Well now he isn't and I am not sure how to feel. He was a very old man when I was young. It seems like he lived two or three lifetimes.
Why do people do this to themselves? What drives youth like lemmings to these events? I love music and I understand the appeal of live music and I understand being bored and wanting to experience something. But every one of these festivals seem to follow the same life cycle. The first year or two they are almost…
Yes and Yes. I think this must be partly due to age. I have also discovered though that I am highly sensitive and even when I was young I probably would not have done this. But the festivals were not a thing yet back in the 80's and early 90's. I have been to many concerts and I don't mind them since I have an…
Why is it gross? 10 years is a big difference but it is not unheard of. My mom and dad are 10 years apart in age. They met when he was 28 and she was 18 and have been married for 58 years. Nothing "gross" about it. I admit that the point of the story about skeevy losers taking advantage of having the ability to…
I am sick of all things Beyonce. She has become the Oprah of this writing staff's generation. I think she is full of shit. She is a good performer but not the Queen of all she surveys.
Sad news. I hate that things cost so much in the US but on the other hand we have well trained and mostly ethical doctors and nurses.
I agree. I loved that show. A great mix of characters.
Arianna's singing career, these selfies and the fact that both girls are veterans and therefore more expensive probably killed the show. Nick (and for that matter Disney) probably would rather discover new, cheaper, talent and develop that rather than pay through the nose to keep established stars happy. Seriously…
But, you know, is this the hill you want to die on? Trying to get a guy who owned the shit out of President George W. Bush at the White House Correspondents' Dinner fired from a 9-year-long Emmy-winning show because you don't understand how TV show Twitter accounts work? Good luck.
Hilarious. I totally agree. As much as I hate all the blandness that is morning tv, Nancy Grace is a creature of the night. Her viewers are either old and deaf or bombed off their asses on their third gin rickey.
Glad you replied. I love this forum but I sometimes feel I have two strikes against me. First, I'm male, second, I'm Gen-X. There are nice people here but that 10 or 20 year gap in perspective makes a difference on some topics.
This is where I will jump into the conversation because you are a fellow Gen-Xer and most of the people posting are Millennials who have grown up in the time of tech and who have parents young enough to have adapted to this tech. When I went to college it was close by so I didn't ever call them but would drop in on…
Life is what happens between interesting emails and tweets. I know what you mean about reading physical books. I used to be very good about reading but now my attention span is so ragged that I take months to get through one. (usually I have several going at once on my kindle devices too which doesn't help the…
Well put. Although knowing the commonalities of pop songs is interesting from a scientific standpoint it doesn't make writing and producing a successful pop song any easier. The missing ingredient is getting the song heard and distributed. We used to have a huge recording industry that made that happen if you were…
There is probably no room for a hetero male perspective on this issue but I think overall I see way less naked breasts (in movies at least) than I did as a teen in the 80s. It seems that filmmakers and television show runners are all crazy to show male peen. So check off another item on the feminism to-do list. But I…
You and I both know the truth that biology is not soft, it is just that there is the "perception" that it is soft. I am glad that you get the respect you deserve.