

I don't have a dog in this fight since I am not a teacher nor do I have a daughter. But I think if I was a teacher, I would agree with you and make essentially the same argument. I am all about personal freedom yet did my time in the military and uniforms help keep it professional. They really do. And yet there was

I think that is a good point. If the thesis is sound that women do fear getting lower than an A then this could be a reason women drop out of STEM.

Those writers at the Onion are some of the most on-point observers of human nature that have ever published. Through comedy they show us the human condition brilliantly.

Ya know Dustin Hoffman was rather sexy as Tootsie. More so than I remembered.

I really don't believe in heaven or hell but if there is a hell I think this man should end up in the room full of the self-righteous where he and millions of other pontificate day and night for eternity and show no love to each other.

Yes I think that is right. Big city and Suburban kids are not as excited about prom as in the sticks. It has probably always been that way. If you live in a small town as an adult you have more interest in making it a big deal for the town and the kids in the town. I grew up in one of those places and Prom seemed

I agree with your statement. Not really funny but it shines a light on how easily we are swayed into looking knowledgeable and cool. Especially when we are young but continuing into middle age but in different ways. No one expects me to know shit about any current bands so I can be totally honest about it to my peer

It is time!

It is Ragnarok!

Too much awesomeness.

Amen to that. Before that you had to unfriend someone and that just hurt feelings. For instance my sister in law has never quite treated me the same since I unfriended her ass about 4 years ago or so. Blocking her feed would have been the best. I very seldom post anything but I assume everyone I am related to has

I think the Facebook experiment is over and the conclusions are in. Although it is nice to see what your old high school classmates now look like and it is occasionally useful to view some friends or relatives wedding or vacation pics (ugh!) it is mostly a seductive way for certain types of people to image craft their

I vote for sexbots. Actually I think they make great sense. However I can already hear the complaints that they are putting women out of respectable and ancient work.

Clearly both feed the disfigurement industry. What is interesting with this new attack on women is that they are doing it to themselves. They are taking the pictures and they are then criticizing themselves or letting their frenemies do it for them and they are then trying to up the ante to be more glamorous or

I like slit. I heard slit before I heard pussy back in 4th grade. Pussy is fine but if too many of the ladies are turned off by that then slit is what I will now be using.

I am an oldster Gen-X like Bacon. To be fair he has held up much better. But as for the fact that you remember rotary phones and daisy wheel printers, that is not a big surprise. If you were to drive way out in the country to where my old parents live you would find that except for the flat screen tv (bought last

Perfectly describes me as well. And I remember how it used to be. Actually then it really seemed like a harbinger of summer so it wan't quite as bad. As a kid I loved the change so that I could play outside longer in the evening. I think I might have actually been cranky and irritable at school but I have blocked that

Thank you for that. I am a parent of two teen boys. I hope I have mostly practiced what I have preached. They have both been exposed to Christianity but it certainly hasn't been pounded into them. I have always let them watch anything on tv that they have wanted to and they listen to what they want to and they