
This is why I think it is a bad idea. Parents can believe whatever they want to and whatever gets them through the day or night. But the more we foist our hopes, fears and superstitions on our kids and the more we insulate our kids from the world that they are going to have to face, the more work we ultimately make

"Virgin Mints" and "Don't mix the races vanilla creme sandwich" cookies.

Lesbian love? Let's hope.

Steve King is a bigot and on the wrong side of history. I don't think Jesus would recognize any of the behavior done in his name. I blame Paul for most of this bullshit. But even he would have a problem with Steve King and is ilk.

Although I enjoyed all the other snarky and fun remarks more than yours, I think you gave a fair treatment of what the term means as used by earnest evangelicals. I too have spent a lot of my early life in that world and feel I know the lingo. But even though it is supposed to mean something reasonable like that, it

This show has jumped the shark. Luckily I caught two or three seasons a couple of years ago when it was probably at its peak ratings wise and entertainment wise. Now it has become a shell of itself. Similar to AI. But both shows could end up plugging along for years at a much lower level of attention.

ugh.... I hate your utter and complete....reasonableness on this issue. damn damn damn....

Ellen was great there. But then she had to introduce that orchestra and conductor that just raced Idina (aka adele) to the finish. I guess the conductor was in a hurry to get out of the studio.

Anyone who makes their life public is fair game in my book. She is all about image crafting. Of course she would buy a fully furnished, artfully decorated, model home. It gives her insta-class and insta-taste. If she had to do it herself, it might takes weeks or months or years. She is a lying, clown.

And I think Harrison was stoned or drunk as well. His eyes looked stoned as he read the teleprompter...but he still read it better than John Travolta who called Idina Menzel affris.smellms or something...

This little section brought to you by actual married people. YES. My wife is the least annoying person I know in my life. Does she get under my skin sometimes...YES. Do I piss her off sometimes...YES. But we would both rather spend our time in the same place with each other than with anyone else we have ever met or

You have been watching too much Hallmark channel my friend. Twooo Love conquers all is the bullshit the card companies sell. I bet you are young and this is the first time you have had someone outline what a marriage might mean and it blew a hole in your fantasy. Well better now than twenty years into a marriage

Young girls and young guys are really too stupid to be allowed to marry. I know I sound old and cranky saying that but it really is true. I have heard recently that some states or jurisdictions are considering making potential marrieds take a course before granting a license and I actually think this is a good idea.

You have put your soul out there for us to judge so I hope you have the tough skin to take this criticism. I think you are about to get deeply involved with a gay man. He may not think that he is gay or have decided to live as a gay man but I believe that he is. If I am correct, that is partly why he is not into the

You expressed it better than I could. It might actually be the case that there is such a swath of people out there that don't understand the Colbert Report. Every now and again, I have run into actual people who really seem to have developed no appreciable sense of humor or irony. It is as if they are colorblind or

You are right. In my marriage, my wife is the one who wants sex more and I am the one who would rather just masturbate. When we first got married, we fucked like rabbits and it was fun. But after kids it became a chore that I just didn't want to hassle with. We also live in a very small house where we didn't have much

At last, someone from my era. Now I didn't have Barbies but my sister did. I had G.I.Joes, the Adventure team ones from the 70's. I also had Oscar Goldman (or was it Maskatron?) and a couple of other 12" figures who joined the toybox from some shady rummage sales!

Its the wonderful world of capitalism. But probably the wonderful world of any type of system. It's our humanity and it is often painful to live in it. Thank god for comedians who make us laugh.

I agree. I need constant reminders that the glam worlds of porn and Hollywood and car commercials are not as great as they appear. I love the fantasy but I also need to prick holes in that fantasy at every turn or I can't stand to live my very ordinary life. I guess its my pathology. But I always find it fascinating

Parents, though gods to us when we are little, have no fucking clue about where we will end up. How could they really? But their prognostications stick with our psyches throughout life ("you have an Irish disposition, you can never be happy", "you are lazy", "you won't amount to a hill of beans", etc) I think some