
I think that gets to the heart of it. The barriers to entry of this sport are too high in a down economy where the majority of parents are struggling and/or uncertain. Apparently, like in many other arenas in life, the money is not "trickling down" from all those rich people. Now to be fair, maybe rich people are

Well with Lorne Michaels producing and Fred as his band leader, it will be increasingly difficult to keep it from being a nightly SNL.

I understand your feeling. I am an introvert too. I probably would do better in life if I were home for 5 days a week and only out in the world for two instead of the way the extroverts have arranged this thing so that we are at home for two and out in the world among others for 5. I happen to have a wife and kids

Manny Spice.

I think this is correct. These idiots are now so aligned against science that they probably avoid most science in their home school lessons thinking it is all controversial. What an epic FAIL.

This is why a hate laws and hate police as many of them currently do their work. Laws are necessary I know but when enforced in some situations they are ridiculous. Police used to use more judgement about when to enforce laws. Now they often seem to enjoy fucking with people.

That is insightful and something as an introvert who hasn't hung out with big groups of guys too much in his life recently hadn't thought about. But you are right. Get guys together and a little drunk and they want everyone to agree on who the hottest chick is. I think it is probably the Alpha males who mostly want

That Bar Mitzvah boy is my favorite or all her characters so far. I crack up as soon as she starts. I find her very attractive. I like overbites and big teeth I guess. But she has great flexibility and she looks like she is having fun like you said. When an comedy actor is having fun, you the audience is having fun.

Totally agree! She nailed the impressions in both voice and mannerism. I have always loved impressionists. I guess some regard them as akin to ventriloquists or something low in the comedy food chain, but I regard them as close to the top of the pyramid. Christina Bianco is making a name for herself and doing it

I still LOVE that!!!

I'm glad for her because obviously this was something she had to take a while to publicly acknowledge. She is such a good actress but she always seems so serious and up in her head when interviewed. Maybe this will make her more at ease with herself.

Again a good post. I understand what you are saying. You are gay and that is that and don't you have a right to be that?!

Good post. I never thought about that point you made about most other animal females not being able to orgasm. Interesting.

Well I don't think it is the best bang for your buck to prepare to enter the workforce! I am sure you are very disciplined though. And you did prove that it is a sport for rich people. Hockey is too by the way. I guess that is why Basketball and soccer are really the sports of the underprivileged. All it takes is a

If the Lardassians can make money off of something like sucking a dick on camera or flashing their tits for fashion, then they are going to do it. They are low life Capitalists.

This is good common sense. I have a cat and I confess I play with her with my hand because cats feel good on your hand, petting is pleasure for both. But she only takes so much and then bites like a viper. Never breaks the skin though far so good.

Exactly my point. I know it sounds like a broken record at this point because the argument has been around for at least 30 years, but when white people say the word in any context it can mean only trouble or embarrassment.

I couldn't watch it all the way through because of that word. That word will ruin any white person who even breathes it. It is used as a weapon by some unscrupulous people. I notice it used by teens who want to be cool or hip. This has been standard practice for years I know but a big star like Nicki using it so much

I finally binged on BSG last year and it took me about half the year to get through it all because it is quite intense and quite deep. Very worth your time and very enjoyable.

As a man, I don't think the problem is the equality factor. I think it is as you say the exhaustion and the overstimulation and distraction of modern life. Most men learn after awhile that it is easier to have a quick jack off session and relieve their tension than it is to negotiate the dance it takes to have sex