
Woody likes young girls. Always has and always will. It makes sense that he was tempted to molest his daughter. Of course, the word molest is loaded and subjective. But if she uses it then that is what it is. If it was any other man than the great Woody, he would be in jail now. But he won't be. If you want to be a

Absolutely my friend. That is why I hate seeing new laws being written all the time. It is impossible to legislate every permutation that can happen. Better to convict pervs under existing laws. Now we just catch kids doing what kids do. This girl might end up a one of those terrible predator lists and have to notify

Its hard to find that virgin blood so I settle for semi-virgin blood with 100% EVOO.

I love the heels and that they were both wearing them. Shakira is known to be a barefoot performer so heels were a nice change for her. I guess as a male I don't think about heel stabbing and such practical things. Just a sexy video from two sexy women.

You don't seem to understand that I am on your side. Yes most (if not all) 8 year olds are as flat as a pancake. They don't need padded bras or any of the clothes being marketed at them. In another time they would have been more than happy to play with Barbies. Yes it is the adults who are trying to stir up the

And that is the point that I take away from the actual (long!) article in Newsweek. Girls in that age bracket have always been curious about sex and wanted to dress older than their age. If you have any doubts just watch some 60's and 70's beach movies or sex comedies or a documentary on human sexual development.

I read the article and I understand EGRs mocking of the underlying pearl clutchiness of it. We usually see articles like this at Halloween time. Probably have since the 60s or 70s. But there does seem to be even more attention put on young girls looks now versus the past. The makeup and nails stuff starts way early.

Another tragedy. Impulse control... are we losing it in America?!

That is a good tune and I want to hear it again which is rare these days. And the rap breakdown actually enhances rather than detracts from the song. That is not always the case.

It's about time someone pointed that out. It is funny to me how quickly theories about human behavior become "facts". Probably due to the porn influence on men, but maybe not, people starting shaving themselves hairless a few years ago. It's gone on long enough now that there is a backlash and a movement against it

and not a single fuck was given!

The book covers were good. I was a tween boy, 7th grade in 1980 and I couldn't help but notice the cover and also that the book was always tattered and worn out in the library because every girl who knew how to read ended up with it in her possession for a few days. I wondered what I was missing out on. Not enough to

Are you being funny or real? Did you know them?

This is speaking the truth... live and let live unless someone is actively harming you or someone you care about. If a person doesn't believe what you believe or like what you like, it's their loss. Trying to change another person's worldview is a waste of energy. Be polite, find something in common to talk about or

Tis true. This is not a "rag" or a tabloid. Hard to get published in this. Lots of peer review.

No it is not monolithic but lately there sure have been a lot of turds floating up to the top for election. Virginia used to be for lovers but I am not sure if that is true anymore.

And you know I bet organizations that claim to be Christian, like Focus on the Family, and the Family Research Council are against legislation like this even though they are supposedly family first organizations. In reality these groups are fronts for the right most wing of the Republican party. They are

Yes things are grand in the "home of the free and the land of the brave." Our freedoms are being taken away willingly by people who have been fearmongered into believing the terrorists are everywhere and the "brave" refers to the fact that you are basically on your own here. We have a safety net of sorts for the very

True and they couldn't manage to get even one black student in the whole state to take the test. Amazing.

I like what you said and what Ari said. I am amazed that so many people can not imagine themselves in bad situations or in need of mercy from others. We depend on others for our food,water, houses, cars, jobs, etc but everyone seems to forget and think that they are all self made and above reproach. All it takes is an