
Blessed are the poor.... I do believe Jesus singled them out for a reason. Poor people were, are, and forever will be...fucked. Because they do not have money and because they subsequently need to be somehow provided for by the people that do have money, no one wants them around. But I feel that we have a

Well why not? He is a bit of a stereotype but his trademark pessimism is right on the mark.

I like both of them but the sum is not greater than its parts, more like GRATER as in cheese grater to the ears!

Well that now makes sense. I guess they seat people based on how rich they are instead of their nominations?

And I might just revisit that cinema classic "Nailin' Palin"!

Had she a had a drink or two? Probably. But I don't think she was wasted. I think she was shocked that she had won. Whoever did the seating arrangements clearly didn't think she had much chance at winning. Despite the fact that she was a Bond girl and a big star at one time, I think she might have gotten to the point

Erin has stumbled onto something I think about quite a bit as a father of two boys. The really physical jobs that men laid claim to are not there to the degree they were when I was a kid. Young males do need to adjust to a different reality than the one their fathers and grandfathers had. And they will. And those that

Thanks. I love open minded women. I've had my bra experiments. Not likely to become an everyday item for me but if a guy wants to wear one that actually fits, I think it is his right.

That is exactly how it looks. This man is the poster child for a miserable human who is a "punisher" by personality type and can't stand to think of other people who he probably made fun of in high school having a way better time of it in life than him and his limp dick. Obviously the law is aimed at homosexuals and

Well you are very welcome. Marriage is not paradise but it does meet a lot of needs and is a nice way of going through life. It obviously isn't for everybody but it probably is still the dream of most. One thing that seems to happen again and again is there is too much hoopla around the wedding itself. I actually knew


Marriage do work but it takes work and more than 3 years of effort. I have been married more than 22 years now and can't even remember the first three years that well. I realize people can grow apart and its something that I worry about sometimes but 3 years doesn't seem to be enough time. Divorce in the first year or

I see your point. The advertising WAS misleading. I had know idea what it was really about until I sat through it. Disney execs are cowardly. Even if the film is unique they try to sell it using models they are long comfortable with.

I'm really happy about this. Frozen delighted me, a full grown ass man, and I am glad that by word of mouth mostly at this point it continues to gain ground and be the truly must-see movie of the Holiday season. I like to see quality and creativity rewarded.

I noticed that the choreographer was quite flamboyant. It has always struck me (a hetero man) how behind every "sexy" woman there is at least one or two gay men. I have sometimes wondered if women, on their own, even know how to be conventionally "sexy" without the guidance from gay men. I'm talking about the

Florida and Italy. Two limp dicks that wouldn't be missed if they "accidentally" fell into the ocean.

Well you have a great point there! I think that is why they are popular in rural areas where barefooting it or wearing flip flops has never caught on as much. It's really only in the last decade or two that men people (especially) have been so free with their bare hobbit feet.

Oh I hate Tom's even more than Crocs in some ways. I think of Crocs as mostly easy to slip on shoes for fat people. They are popular in the rural areas of America. I live in an urban area and don't see them much. My sisster, who was always so judgemental about footware, wears them with no sense of irony. So do her

You are apparently too young to remember the god awful Jellies of the 80's!