Is your sweet mom originally from another country? I'm being serious.
Is your sweet mom originally from another country? I'm being serious.
Well I don't know about mannequins, but I think George Romero hit the nail on the head in Dawn of the Dead.... we are are shopping zombies!
smart thinking!
Yes you are right about that. I am on FB but it is mostly vexing because of how selectively people post. Lots of pics of the nieces kids and the nieces girlfriends out drinking at the adult party to show how grown up they are. Lots of posts about upcoming cruises from the sister-in-laws. Very little about the bad…
Corporations, no matter how generous they are, only serve one master and that is the shareholder. If they is a conflict of interest, they are ALWAYS going to do what helps the shareholder and not some outside charity that they might be helping with funds. So this all makes perfect sense. Its not a conspiracy, its…
Capitalism is our real true GOD. All of the sheep who baaaa constantly on the internet about how baaaad everything is are playing right into the hands of business (in this case a third rate cable tv network and a fast food chicken joint!) Jesus would not even know how to start a conversation in this time and…
She really is. Maybe its all the meds she takes? And she learned some time ago that if she opens her mouth and shows her teeth it seems to be a laugh and makes her look like she is enjoying whatever is being said. Still I prefer her to Christina Aguilera and all her drama.
She really is almost a caricature of a Diva at this point. She will not age well once she gets into her 50s or 60s. I see her either going the route of Cher/Joan Rivers and creating a completely new face that never ages or going the Sunset Boulevard route and retiring early and shutting herself away in her mansion to…
Good point. I am a scientist and we are very precise and cautious with our language in general. The press on the other hand is fond of hyperbole and misleading headlines.
Doug I like your encapsulation of these family get-togethers:
You apparently didn't watch Christmas Vacation closely enough or you wouldn't take on such a stressful task! Good luck.
Oddly enough I have Holy Diver and The Last in Line as well as Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell and 13 on the same SD card in my car that I also have put Kelly Clarkson's album and some other Christmas classics by Andy Williams, Herb Alpert and TJB and The Carpenters. I let it randomly play. It is like eating those…
I love that Father Christmas song. Used to hear that a lot back in the early 80s. Now almost never. A forgotten classic. Thanks for posting.
There was a time early in my marriage to my wife that I thought our similarities kinda made us boring. But as time has passed, those similarities have made for a peaceful home and a good relationship. We don't necessarily share the same interests but we share the same basic goals and lifestyle. It makes sense that…
I suppose this will just mark me as old but it is so nice not to feel compelled to shop at places like H&M or even Old Navy. I know they are inexpensive but they are also cool chic and a hassle. Why buy crappy clothes just because they are fashionable? Believe me, it is the best thing about getting older...not giving…
Can we agree to start ignoring the rants of teens again? I know we have all been there and we thought what we had to say was very important but it really wasn't and just because they have Twitter now and can rant to the world, it doesn't make them any better informed or fair or give them any greater perspective on…
Not only does Carrie not know how to act she apparently got the praying thing wrong too...
Is box wine and marathoning Netflix the move at college nowadays... if so that is depressing.
Nicely said. If Jesus is the Savior then He saved all of us and what you say is true.