
I knew I liked her!

I know, right?! I grew up under that shit. It still messes with my head.

If they don't make it to the police force or become mall cops, they end up in a church where they rise to the role of leadership because they like to tell others how to live and what to do. Trust me, I have a relative who is a cop and he has been a leader in every church he has ever attended. Loves to tell others what

An increase in the minimum wage is an idea whose time has come. This is becoming too big to ignore and I predict this grass roots movement WILL result in an increase in the Federal Minimum wage to something a little more liveable. No it won't be $15 but it might go to $10 or $11 with luck.

You are correct about the methods used to get rid of employees. For entirely different reasons, but still a set up, I was let go because of one of those FINAL WARNING letters a few years ago. Actually I quit before I got let go but those things are deadly and come out of nowhere.

This is something I have noted many times but never got around to investigating. All trends come from somewhere so this history is good to know.

I get mad at the house of mouse too. But I think "attention seeking and performance inclined" children and their parents are part of the spine of Hollywood, sd are exploitative execs and producers. But it will be interesting to continue to hear about some of the things that went on at Disney in recent years with

I like the idea of nearly instantaneous gratification and I understand why Amazon needs to do it. Right now the only disadvantage Amazon has over Target and Walmart and others is that they cannot instantly give you your merchandise (except books, movies and MP3s through downloads). Once they can get you your stuff in

I like EGR's reasoning very much. And I would vote with her to change it to January. Of course, when I started reading the commnents the whole thing went out the window.

Makes sense. Her self-righteousness is definitely being fed by this attention. She will probably get a book deal out of this and/or launch a line of clothing or exercise DVDs. We are feeding her monster ego that demands that everyone agree with her and be like her.

This was brilliant. Will Ferrell may not be everyone's cup of tea but he is committed to his work. He made a lot of people smile and laugh with this stunt. And in this world of ours is that a bad thing?!

This sort of thing makes me world weary. Life is hard for the vast majority of us. In some way, physical, mental, emotional, or economic we all suffer something. We deal with it the best way we can. People find comfort in religion or working out or food (preparing and/or eating) or gardening, whatever. No one lives

Want a "hot holiday toy". May I suggest wrapping your vibrator in your heating pad for about five minutes then going to pound town?!

Erin is a good writer and I always read her posts but she DOES tend to generalize. She is telling 10s of millions of people that they are all needy narcissists for taking selfies. Certainly that can't be correct. I can't help but think she was the brainy girl in high school who didn't think she was that pretty. I've

Yes. Let's reserve judgement, all of us. It hasn't happened yet. Carrie might be great in the role. Give her a chance for Christ sake. She is not Julie Andrews...get over it.

I applaud you Madeleine. I say we should never forget and he seems to be counting on us forgetting. That is why he keeps spouting that historians will judge him in the future and he won't turn out to be so bad. W knows we usually have a short memory.

Not surprising at all that there is little turnover on either show. They are basically the pinnacle of comedy writing on TV. Where can you go from there?!

I don't expect great things from her. She will quite likely be the worst of the bunch in terms of bratty behavior. From what I have heard it has already begun. She will continue to grow up rich and have no real understanding of how fortunate she is.

So it's better to have crossburnings and signs saying "no blacks allowed" than to have people say things like its " their own damn fault since their men never stick around and they don't seem to value education"?

Good Judge. Stupid fucking police.