
I agree wholeheartedly that exploited children do not have a choice and that anything involving them is a crime. I imagine it hinges mostly on whether "Sweetie" approaches the men and women and tries to get them interested or whether its the other way around. Good analogy with the beer and milk at the convenience

There was lots of yelling in my house as a kid. I still yell when I get overwhelmed. Unlike yourself, I do not feel in danger when there is yelling. However your story sheds light on something. I raised my voice once at a meeting at a job a few years ago and ended up having to go to anger management counseling.

This guilt shit might be effective but trust me it makes life miserable for the adult child. My parents made me feel guilty about so many things that now I feel guilty for almost no reason. Its almost my default state. Not pleasant.

This still walks a fine line between crime and pre-crime. If the children are being exploited to do this sex on camera and if they are being harmed or trapped into it by the men in the chatrooms then it is by definition a crime and Sweetie is a good tool to root these scumbags out.

That woman is gorgeous!

Take that Mumford and Sons!

Now I will forever doubt old man/young girl relationships. This has stained the dream.

The Devastation.

Good for her to have an experience and write about it. This website sure is wishy washy about its attitude toward sex and porn. She did what she wanted to do with her body. What is it to the rest of us?!

Thank you for replying to me but I think I don't agree with you as much as I thought. I agree more with the lady who wrote the article. I think people are free to grieve anyway they wish and as long as the kids are not too obnoxious during the ceremony, I am not going to fret about them taking pictures of themselves

Long post but I mostly agree with you. You are probably in my age range. Until I saw this article I didn't realize this was a thing. But it makes sense that kids would be distracted and maybe on purpose since death is such a strange thing and we deal with it in a very unnatural and unsatisfying way here in the West.

I'll be there in my laciest lace suit and very happy not to see noodleroni101!

Ironically we are giving our daughters much more traditionally feminine names yet as most of the people on this blog would agree, we are not down with any of these little females growing up and being anything like the earlier generations of Isabellas, Sophias, Emmas, and Olivias.

I feel the same way. Yes evolutionary psychology is very speculative and I would not hang a whole lot of weight on it. But as a modern explanation for this behavior, I think the authors are on the correct path. Slut shaming may not be something that evolved in the same way our appendages did but it certainly came into

That is it exactly. Although many American men fantasize about having sex with teen girls, when it comes to thinking that real kids may be having real sex, American parents would rather not.

What you said is so true. The Marine Corps Marathon happened today in D.C. Many of the 30000 people who ran it are quite possibly people who have eating disorders and a compulsion to run as a way of burning calories. But all of those people will hide in plain sight and even be rewarded for their efforts by cheering

I would like to know the truth about this as well. From my old person (Gen X) perspective it seems most people are masturbating to images and video but that there is much less human to human contact. Sexting is in and sexing is out.

As an Gen-X er I think this Baby Boomer is full of shit. Also, I got nothing against the Millennials except the title because I often spell it wrong!

to answer your quesion: we will probably have a better future. Too many people already. We need to slow the fuck down.

No asshat. You are part of the problem. But so am I. We know we should be mixing up our neighborhoods but if we have money we flee to an area that has people just like us.