
Well put. I am pessimistic that it is ever going to change barring something cataclysmic. The rich are always going to want to shun and avoid the poor and to give their offspring the very best advantages. This is human nature. Only careful government can shape this into something fairer for all. But our government is

I listened to the song and I like the crunchy riff and drums and even the song itself. The video is crap though. I think every cliche' that can be done in a music video has been done by now. This looks like something recycled from the 90s.

As Spock would say, fascinating.

Well put. I am a man and grew up with women who used minimal makeup. I am also married to a beautiful wife that wears minimal makeup. Makeup is just fascinating to me at this point. I am not angry at women for using it or not using it. But when someone uses it and does it well I am impressed (and maybe a tinge jealous

They really like wallpaper. That is what I notice in many of these eastern European porno clips that I occasionally see. Wall paper mostly went MIA in this country sometime in the 80's. But not in Mother Russia. Let the cray cray patterns run wild across your walls!

As a Gen-X member, I apologize for the Tea Party. I really hope that is not our only legacy besides mix tapes and Bon Jovi. I hope you millenials drink your cheap wine, legalize pot, and bring this country back to the middle.

Everyone is kind of good and kind of bad at every relationship, all of which are both good and bad, and constantly changing, all of the time, until they end, or don't. Wrangling that unpredictable beast is at the core of all longterm relationships.

and I fourth it! The guy needs to stop.

If cats are supposed to be such geniuses, WTF is this shit? Signed, my dog. (Who has just eaten another turd.)

I'm glad some of this dirt on Carson is finally surfacing. I appreciate his genius but I have no problem knowing that he was very human and had problems. I like my heroes to be a little more down to earth.

I bet he only watches Fox news too when he switches his 1985 Zenith 27" on.

I just read the article about the cheerleader in Texas and now this. School should not be prison and should not be run like one. I don't advocate anarchy. I believe in simple rules and the enforcement of them to everyone's safety and liberty. A simple rule that covers this nonsense is simply "No talking in class

If you do I would be interested in reading it. Glad I'm not the only one who sees the connection.

I would love to trace back these "zero tolerance" policies. That phrase sounds so good in sound bites and on the lips of administrators and politicians. But it is a term that seems to come out of the military or a penal code. "In this prison their is a zero tolerance policy about shivs". When did we decide that our

THIS is the question!

As a male with a lust for the female form, it makes perfect sense to become a photographer. I am not sure why I didn't pursue it. I guess I didn't have the opportunity and desire. But it makes perfect sense that a nerd who has a hard time with female relationships would use a camera and the power it gives him to

That was cheestastic! I miss those days of watching the Love Boat. I actually kinda hated it but it seemed like the only thing on. Charro might have been in her twenties or thirties then... could never tell.

I visited NYC for the first time exactly a year ago. I was overwhelmed by the tremendous crush of people. Its ironic that with so many people anyone could be lonely but I think you have to put a bubble around yourself if you live in such a place. 8 million individual bubbles that only open up for those they already

I have read editorial columns and blogs and articles about all the nonsense taking place but John Stewart made it as simple and clear and it can possibly be made. I am sooo thankful for the existence of these two shows.

I have read editorial columns and blogs and articles about all the nonsense taking place but John Stewart made it as simple and clear and it can possibly be made. I am sooo thankful for the existence of these two shows.