
YES! Exactly. You get it. This whole show is a study in evil and its insidiousness. Evil is not the black hat guy who sneers. Evil is often the nice man who smiles and seems to be the pillar of the community but actually is a kid toucher or a meth dealer or even something more banal, like a guy who just witholds love

This is a bullshit study from the wishful thinking society.

Well put. Some of these Jezzie writers just write to fill their quota. This might have been the case here.

Ding Ding Ding! I am male and I was taught this technique many times over the years in work related classes about conflict resolution. I use it in my marriage as well (when I think about it). Either women are the only ones picking up on how to communicate in a non-offensive manner or maybe all those conflict

Has he ever publicly come out (I mean besides every appearance he has ever done)?

Good, I have had so many of these for so long (and many of them pre-internet) that whenever I hear a young un say they feel old it makes my heart glad.

As a man, when I read something about women not being comfortable with themselves or at peace with themselves until their thirties (also their peak sexually I've read) it just frustrates the hell out of me that I wasted any time trying to pursue teen girls (when I was a teen) or twenty somethings when I was that age.

I've read and listened to quite a few of his books over the years. I guess I didn't even realize that he treated women characters so well. He didn't make a big fuss about it. Good to realize that. I just want to say that I laughed a lot when reading his books. He had a light touch and some of these lowlifes he wrote

This guy is subtly funny and is making a name for himself. I liked her in this interview. She seemed to get it and went along with him very well.

I liked your story about your curious little girl. As a boy I was very curious as well. But my Mom was a teenager in the 1950s and talking about or even really acknowledging "lady issues" were taboo. I think that is why it was so hard for my sister growing up under my conservative mom. I am watching my sister closely

I agree. Oliver had to win over some serious cult like followers and he did so without us even really noticing him trying to. His uniqueness and the feeling that he was enjoying the wit he was bringing to us was totally refreshing. Not to say that Jon Stewart doesn't bring this as well because he does, but John Oliver

Of course. This is only going to happen in situations where the guy is into her sexy feet and she knows it and loves it. In such cases her feet are going to be well taken care of either by him or by her because she knows it turns him on. Again the conundrum. Women have their feet on display all the time especially in

I'm a small town transplant too. Just went back last week to see the parents and sister and her family. The culture shock always gets me so I keep the visits short and sweet. My parents, though old now, live exactly the same life they lived nearly 23 years ago when I left home. My sister who was always more worldly

I work in a research lab and that is true. One of the Chinese scientists does wear dresses and heels often but the rest dress like they were hanging out at the house on Saturday.

This is why I continue to read Jezebel and Gawker but Jezebel in particular. This would hardly come up anywhere else that I can think of. Slate maybe but not as straight forward. Probably the agalmatophilia fan board but that's a given.

Well how the hell are professors gonna meet their spouses now?!

I know where you are coming from. Maybe you are a bit older (like me) and maybe you long for the more formal, buttoned down civility of the 50's and 60's. And I certainly agree that we need more civility. More "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me" would be great. I also wish people would keep dirty feet in their

I have made fun of her too but I really liked her as a kid and used to predict that she could be the next Carol Burnett. I have some hope now that she might get the help she has been screaming for.

A good article. I never formally studied this topic but in the last decade I have been paying more attention to it. Women are expected to be cute and it is infantilizing but as a man I am attracted to it no matter what my reasoning brain may say. And women will not quit wearing the makeup and clothes and heels that

As "the Lonely Guy" I endorse this Steve Martin clip!