
Well she is kind of making a name for herself on you tube so maybe by the time she tries to go pro she will have the support of some music industry people who will let her be whoever she is. I love her talent and musicality.

I have now been on this site long enough to see that for all the high-mindedness about slut shaming and fat shaming, the writers here are not very consistent. If they like the person being profiled then a lot of high minded shit will be said but if they hate her like they apparently do Sydney Leathers, then slut

She does sound very intelligent. I think there are many people in the seamier industries that have as good or better a knowledge of human beings than highly educated folks. A lot of the highly educated people are self selected to be the real type A, go-getter, aspirational types and they are certainly encouraging to

well to add to that list,

I am not bothered about her at all and can't see why anyone here is either. Afterall this is the site where I first learned and accepted that "slut shaming" is a bad thing. This girl was not harmed by Weiner, she just danced with him and is now using her new notoriety to possibly make her semi famous or at least

Well I know it enhances my mood when it leaves my body in a big burst.....ahhhhh I say and then fall asleep.

Well it is getting close to back to school time so the seasonal clothing wars are again heating up. I would count this is the first shot across the bow. Every year has some new wrinkle in the ever escalating war between parents and their daughters' clothes.

Same here. Black Friday is a day I stay home and feel very happy about internet shopping and FedEx.

I think that is the crux of it. Employers want your very soul. If they think you will potentially be taking time off (even if they offer it as a perk of working there) they will instead hire the person who appears that they will never take a day off. Of course after they have hired you and you have worked for them

I am pleased that this is happening so fast. But I expect backlash at some point. Those Christian conservatives are out there somewhere, I can just smell the faintest whiff of English Leather and Jean Nate.

Fuck them. I know she can seem nice at times but she did the crime and now she can do the time. Same for him

Love this article. I am a fat man but I understand the dilemma. Us fatties aren't stylish enough to work out in stylish clubs with stylish clothes. Its hard to find mens pants that are in tall and fat . Apparently lots of short rolypoly fatties but not any tall ones. I also hate the whole yoga as competition thing.

Oldscrumby your are a very intelligent girl and I truly enjoyed reading your response. I'm not blowing smoke up your a... when I say you got me to see things in a different light. I have two kids in their late teens and I want to have a good and lasting relationship with them. I don't have to follow the template that

Ya know I think you have a good point. I am mid 40s and have technophobe parents in their elderly years who don't even have an answering machine. I don't talk to them that much anymore but in my twenties and thirties I did call them quite a bit, at least once or twice a week in my twenties. And it was a big challenge

Just pure rage. Agreed. Not funny.

good one!

I am happy with my word choice. Females fits nicely.

The best point FTW!

Well I agree that Selena is not very vocally talented. I feel that she knows that too. I still recall an interview from a few years ago before her first CD came out. She confessed that she was nervous because she wasn't really a singer. What she is is a commodity. Disney and everyone connected with her loves her

Females generally seem to revert to little girls with the nail art and all the colors of polish. I grew up at a time in the early 70s when all my young teachers (recently graduated from college and full of feminist ideas) were trying to convince boys and girls that we are exactly the same. This was the time of unisex