Wear weird, fun hosiery (men hate hosiery, because it reminds them of their mothers)
Wear weird, fun hosiery (men hate hosiery, because it reminds them of their mothers)
Lunchcoma you have helped open my eyes on this. My gut reaction when reading the headline was to get angry that this monster was getting away without proper punishment. In a case like this, I want "eye for an eye" punishment. But you are right about how much stress and trauma a prolonged trial will cause these young…
Well I am a man and haven't read it but am fascinated by it anyway. It was the book that every girl in my school, no matter how prim and proper or how popular, read. The library only had ratty copies of it. I had no idea that it had such taboo subject matter until just a few years ago and then the light bulb went on…
I didn't jump into any of the other conversations because they don't really express how I feel. I am mid forties and my folks are 75 and 84. I didn't get anything from that site. I am planning to visit them in early August. Its about a 7 hour car trip. Haven't visited them in 4 years. I love them but also feel very…
I tend to think this way too. Although we all know that fatness was a sign of success in earlier times and in more primitive cultures, now it is a sign of being from the lower classes. If you have money, it seems expected that you be skinny or at least not obese. John Goodman notwithstanding.
I love this site and hopefully have become something of a regular here. Most of you don't flame me. But I am a little older and a male so I don't exactly fit the demo here. The love of Clueless is just a reminder of that. I was 28 when it came out. I saw it on VHS that I rented at BlockBuster. I enjoyed it but after…
I will hazard a guess that you are around 30? That is about when it changed for m Mid 40s now and just one ride on a good day otherwise its pretty much just sitting and walking around hoping to run into my kids. They just roll their eyes at me.
Doesn't that piss you off about your mom? I am about the same age and I swear Mom would still like me to work at the local cheese factory because that was her dream for me. Instead I am just a scientist working for cutting edge Biotech!
I think the reason that non-conforming boys are news and not the other way around is due to our culture's historical dominant role for males. As I have learned from this site and others, it is not controversial for a minority culture to imitate a majority culture but always controversial when the majority culture…
Softball camp?
I love your analogy. Lindy was simply saying not to be a dick. If your neighbor enjoys sports, good for him, you don't have to harangue him about how bad sports are. Sports might be the only way he or she can deal with their lives. You might see the artifice in sports and that might make you feel stronger and better…
Preach it brother (or sister)! As attorney general he probably is already putting his cock somewhere it shouldn't be but if he makes it to the cushy governor's mansion, then watch out. There won't be a dog, cat, or appliance safe from his gubenatorial insertions.
I work the same. Self righteous much? Unless you have no computer and watch only DVRd shows, it is nigh impossible not to know that these exist and not to see clips of them.
The whole Bible thing is about patriarchy. It worked for a long time I guess but the horse has left the barn and aint a never coming back. I think people should just fuck whoever they want whenever they want to. And if they would rather stay single then that is fine too. I am just not sure if there is any real equity…
Hooray to Jez for featuring a vintage video of RUSH! Love it.
so that is where the Monty python guys got it from! I think a lot of American men love to wear female clothes too but like so much here, it has to be hidden and shame filled and often morphs into something sexual.
Psoriasis is often treated with UV light treatment under a Doctor's supervision. Usually done in office visits abut I imagine if the area you are in does not have a dermatology office with a light box, the Doctor might advise going to a tanning salon. I have plague psoriasis and sitting outside in the sun for few…
Obviously I am the wrong gender to post anything too relevant to the discussion except to say that my mother was one of those mothers and passed the shame on to my sister. Reading all this open talk about blood and tampons and pads and cups is something I am pleasantly surprised at. The cycle of shame has been broken…
Brit Brit has Fred Flintstone feet and she has mentioned them as her worst body part in many interviews over the years. Her she has jammed them in these platforms that make her legs look longer and less stumpy but the heels themselves look a little bit silly on her. She looks good in this video but that is the magic…
yes. This is just bitching to be bitchy. There I said it.