
...and the breasts, don't forget those mistakes (see above article about women athletes).

Hi GrumpyOldMan, this is the LonelyGuy and I agree with you. The reason we are hated in some parts of the world is exactly this. We dump our overstock on foreign markets and absolutely ruin their chances of making any real money. We call it charity and they call it "keeping us down".

I was just going to say something about evolution. You beat me to it. Obviously this problem wasn't such a problem before women became so athletic. (side note: it probably was a problem but just never written about) But if women would quit using their breasts and there was selective pressure away from breasts and

I love to see a pretty female foot in a pretty shoe or sandal in an inside environment where the woman is showing off her pretty feet. Otherwise I am not interested in seeing ANY man's foot or the other 99% of women's feet. Flip flops are way to prevalent right now for both men and women. Please don't wear them

You are right, we are horribly disconnected from the source of our food. I grew up in a rural area and had chickens and pigs and cows. Just enough animals to supplement my Dad's meager military pension. I learned that chickens produced delicious eggs but they were dirty animals and I hated cleaning out their pens and

Hard to find a good jumping in place. Lots of good back and forth on this subject. I was in a church that was very anti-porn when I got married. Back then (pre-computer and internet) it was VHS porn and mostly magazines that I would go on binges and buy. I suffered like Lindsey said

This obsession with tanning has been growing throughout my life. I am a white guy and used to lay out in the sun too but finally gave up in my twenties when I realized that all I ever got was burned or reddened and almost never tan. Young white girls are the target of marketing from the tanning industry. And it is

If these pieces of plastic are causing us such distress why don't we as parents quit buying them for our kids. Barbie seems to really touch a nerve with a lot of women who seem to have grown up comparing themselves to her in one way or another. She is a toy invented by a company. I played with the full sized GI Joes

I like it that a bunch of you have stuck up for vacationing with your husbands. I have been married for 21 years and the idea of a separate vacation from my wife is not very appealing. That is because I don't secretly hate her. I understand "girl's night out" and "guys night out". I understand going away for the

I hope the Millennial generation wises up and after all these middle age and older white men die off, this whole topic of women's reproductive rights becomes a moot point. Women should have the right to do what is in their best interest. But until then there is just endless strategies to fuck with women.

Good article but when did it become necessary to have to write such articles? If anything mentioned here is really an eye opener to anyone then my question would be , how the hell were you raised? Did no one in your life ever explain how to be courteous to others?! The Golden rule is still golden:

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,Old Time is still a-flying;And this same flower that smiles today,Tomorrow will be dying.

I like that quote. Billy Shakes right? Yes it sucks getting older but in some ways its not so bad. I love to drink but I also don't feel the need to get blind drunk like a lot of young 20s people do. If I do drink too much, its usually at home and I just take a nap and then rehydrate. There is a natural progression to

I like this idea that they are closeted and now feel safe to snuggle. I didn't grow up watching the show and neither did my children (they were Barney and Big Comfy Couch fans) so I guess I don't have so much nostalgia invested in it. I certainly don't think it trivializes the overturning of DOMA though.

Good to hear a sailor's opinion. I was a sailor in the early 90's just before the ban on porn. There was plenty of porn then but only in the form of magazines and VHS tapes. I spent my time in BEQs and was always glad when my roommates were gone and the porn was mine alone. Never led to any Rapey behavior on my part.

I'm a recovering evangelical type and I can't stand those who claim to know what God wants either. Obviously this block of people have been praying regularly forever. When Bush was in office, because he spoke their code, they liked him and assumed that God had put him in office. But then Obama was elected and he

It was late and I was probably starting my first round of night cheese,

I apologize if I offended. I was trying not to say too much about Judaism since I am not an expert. However, Paul was a Pharisee named Saul before he became a convert to Christianity so I would say that the views of women he brought to Christianity were probably common in Judaism at that time. And those views tend to

You nailed it. I am an Aquarius and am put off by too much neediness in others. You come at me real hard with the buddy buddy stuff and I will walk in the opposite direction. I love time with one or two friends at a time on a semi-regular basis but I also need alone time and me time. I was raised with dogs and cats

Yes, this!