
Northerners are just as completely racist and often much more openly. I come from one of the reddest regions of NY state. I heard and saw it all growing up there. I think Southerners get more of beating because of two things. First, the history of slave owning and second the veneer of civility that Southerners have

Yes. I haven't traveled to Europe but just from looking at the news on a daily basis it becomes apparent that countries like Italy seem to only have room for their own kind in any kind of power. The only thing I really envy about the Europeans is their month long vacations, otherwise I think the US is quite

Well the balls in your court Jezebel! I'm seriously getting a lot of male nudity today. Just got back from "This is the End" and well.....

Are you trying to prove her point with that statement?!

I would say you hit the nail on the head. Probably this is based on our Judeo Christian heritage. Both religions have put women in a somewhat suspicious light from the time they became institutionalized. I honestly think Jesus loved women and I don't know of any scripture attributed to him that puts them in a

I'm a bit older than you (well more than a bit actually...) but I had the same reaction to my family's racism after I had moved away from home and lived in a larger metro area for awhile then went back and noticed it. But it was most painful when my children were little and we would take them up to where I am from and

I am a recovering evangelical as well and I wonder what the hate-mongerers are thinking about this right now? Just a few short years ago James Dobson and a lot of the rest of them were pushing people towards this Exodus organization very heavily. Wonder if assholes like Dobson can also admit the errors of their way?

I think this is a good article. It has some good points about why certain things just come off as offensive. Miley is the definition of a poser. Just four short years ago I remember this nugget:

As a middle aged man, who still masturbates at least once a day, I can't understand how so many women have so many hangups about sex in general and solo sex in particular. Solo sex releases tension and makes it easier to enjoy life. Please do it and enjoy it.

I want to see this movie and I watched the show when it was on the air. Alexis was a terrible human being. I hope she really has become someone different.

Oh ye of little faith!

I love Vanessa! So fucking sexy!

Your case is why this snooping scares me. The young and dumb and naive feel that its ok to let the government have increasingly large chunks of information about us because "they can and if it keeps us safe, go for it". But these people have no understanding of the risks and no imagination. First of all, the giving up

Don't watch Fox at all but have seen enough clips of Megyn and Shep Smith to think that maybe there is a little bit of brain power at that network. Megyn handled these dicks better than a porn star. She stayed mostly calm and collected and handed the facts back to them. Eric Ericson or whateve his name is, happens to

I get what you are saying. I am a white male from an all white area and also moved to a much more ethnically diverse area and loves it. Mostly I find people that I get to know quite open about heritage. I think you just have to earn people's friendship and trust first before you begin talking about subjects that could

Puritanism is so deeply entwined with Evangelicalism. All people just need to realize that we are sexual creatures and that none of us can help that in the same way that we can't help being hungry or thirsty. This is a scientific fact for men and women. Having sex doesn't ruin anyone. Neither does eating a donut or

I need to catch up on my twitter feed and read all this for myself. Chrissy is a lightning rod for hate. I think she gets some sick fulfillment from it somehow. She didn't realize what she had stepped in when she ran across this Tracie. This was not the usual tard that she fights. This was someone very intelligent and

I follow Chrissy on Twitter and have found her to be very funny and quite sharp. I think she was only thinking of Farrah and not all womankind. Everything in this article makes sense but not everyone is educated about it and jumping on Chrissy because she is not educated about it seems like the wrong approach. The old

True story. Just called my mom this morning to wish her happy mothers day. Two minutes of weather from her and then a quick how are things and then a hang up. Oh Mom's.... they really make life great!

Good point about the meds making her more prone to weight gain. I gained too. Plus it might be her body build to be a little curvier. She might even LIKE to be a little Latina hottie (which she is!). Simon just wants to control her and everyone else in his life. I can't imagine him ever getting married unless it is to