Yes that is perfect for Simon!
Yes that is perfect for Simon!
I know absolutely nothing about his background but I would wager that he was excluded from the "cool kids" in some way back in his formative years. Only a mal-adjusted person with a vendetta would be so petty and mean spirited with his store's clothing and aesthetic. Truly handsome and popular people usually don't…
Yes. Me too. We are having nice weather right now but I know in my heart that it will soon shoot up to about 90 and be 80% humidity for the next 4 months. For that reason I hate summer and actually love the other 8 months much more. But I am male so that is irrelevant to the article. In general I do think women like…
Its too much for 7:30 am on a Saturday morning though.
That "music" felt like the soundtrack to a hyped up Michael Bay chase scene in Transformers.
Yes, a very beautiful thing!
The injustice of it all makes me literally sick to my stomach.
It seems obvious but could some of the change in attitude about labia appearance be due to the fact that the hairless look is the norm in porn right now? Back when there was more hair down there, the different sizes of labia were not as highlighted.
I'm a fortysomething and I approve this message!!!
Its obvious that the Grammy's tv show and the Grammy award are two entirely separate things. Almost ALL the real talent is rewarded separately. They let the circus in for the rest of the awards.
exactly... didn't catch a word of it.
thanks to you janechain for your response. I was pleased to read everyone else's friends stories as well. We often get inaccurate messages from the media and to see that most of us deal with this is refreshing. Probably wouldn't make for a good sitcom though: "The one where Rachel spends another evening alone with…
I have come to realize that drifting away from friends and relatives is the most common thing in the world and therefore the most normal thing as well. But it has taken me half my life to realize it and I have often grieved about losing touch with others and thought I was some sort of sociopath for not keeping a…
I agree with you Ari. As a married man of 21 years, the biggest pleasure in our marriage is that we seldom argue and fight. We have had our share of fights and tension to be sure but we are basically ok with each other and we have the same basic values. I think drinking does fall into a value category. Drinking is a…
If Amanda Bynes really wants to rebel its time for her to make a porno. That would really tell her parents and everyone she hates that she is a grown up and can make her own decisions, fuck you very much!
I'm a tall guy 6'2.5" and I love it. I think it makes me more comfortable in my own skin. I don't feel like I have anything to prove. I have a short male friend and he has to be the best at everything he does. I think he is just uncomfortable in his skin because he is short. I have observed the same thing in women.…
I think the photo journalism of the participation ribbon says it all. Whoever chooses images for these articles here on Jez should get a prize too. Well done. Essentially, although we live in a very competitive and diverse world, we have raised that last couple of generations of kids with the idea that everyone wins…
I understand what you are saying. In fact, being a boy I even thought they were sexy. Of course I went to a very small rural school in the 70's and 80's and very few kids had braces. I think the only ones I remember were fairly wealthy, princess type, girls. Maybe that is why I associate them with cuteness or beauty.…
I love pantyhose and am enjoying seeing them again after they their sudden disappearance sometime in the 90s. I remember noticing sometime in the late 90's that I didn't see much sheer hosiery anymore. I grew up with pantyhose ads on tv and radio and print ads and they all suddenly disappeared. I always associated…
That is what I always thought too. Most of these women and girls who are going bare legged really don't have the legs to pull it off. Why not the magic of pantyhose?