
High school IS the worst. It is run by small minded pencil pushers who are afraid of the parents and the teachers and the school board and their own shadows. They have to have rules or it would be anarchy but when they make rules, they enforce them without any use of common sense. It just gets worse and worse.

It was a good article. I am a man so maybe I don't pick up on what bothers women about Hugo's writing style. I enjoyed the meat of this article though. Females should have ownership of their sexuality and men should keep their hands off unless invited. I don't have daughters but I can imagine how difficult it is for

These people are con artists who love to provoke people. I suppose Courtney could be an abuse victim of some type and her parents are complicit in all this by letting her marry Doug. But despite the vast age difference between these two they are birds of a feather. Similar in some respects to the man and little girl

what a naive view of the military you have! I suppose you would be equally surprised to find that cops and firefighters also engage in sexist language and behavior at times? Just because we have called all these people heroes for the last decade doesn't make it totally true.

"you may approach and kiss the royal ring..." ha

I do believe she sees herself quite a bit differently than most others see her. She often comes off as arrogant.

Good point. My wife and I just observed our 21st anniversary and so far so good. I think everything about marriage is idealized to such a point that it just suffocates under its own weight of expectations. We like to see happily ever after couples because that gives us all hope that we can have that. But it mostly

I am surprised that so many of the comments on this article are negative about what the porn performers are saying in this article. Shouldn't the people who work in an industry have a say in how they protect themselves? Who is the best expert on doing porn? Some outsider with possible hidden connections to the condom

Of course this is sex-negativity. I am male and I think sexually about women all the time. But that is MY problem and not the problem of the female I am objectifying. I was taught how to objectify women over a long period of time with porn and advertising. Women should be able to dress in any damn way they wish as

Jesus never tried to convert any of his man followers into not being gay and you just know at least one of those twelve were awfully fond of those Roman baths.

Running seems only next to church going to make people feel that they are superior to others. I am a tall male with weak knees that ache if I run very far at all. I would rather walk or go to the gym. But I have known a lot of runners and they love, love, love to brag on how they get up very early and run for miles

I'm middle aged and this Mom shit pisses me off. I don't really like mine very much. She was very good as the caregiver when I was a needy infant and toddler but as I have grown she has failed, in my opinion, to evolve into a friend. So our relationship is in arrested development. Our society spends a lot of time

I would tell your mother and the principal no and get the hell out of there. I ended up a couple of states away from my tormentors from my small town and I have never been able to go back to any reunions and probably never will. I was bullied mostly in elementary school and its effects are lasting. I moved on and have

I was hoping someone would point this out. I was blown away by those facts after I read the "Case for Christ" a few years ago. I think what we have in the New Testament is probably the best of the best of what existed when the First Council of Nicaea put together the writings that we call the New Testament. However, I

It stumps me too. I am worried that we are going backwards on this too. We have to teach children that boys and girls deserve equal respect as humans all the while understanding that males and females are different in certain respects. Why we are unable to is quite frustrating.

"If men are Biblically designed to be leaders, then why were they made with such an obvious bug that prevents them from doing anything around the sight of boobies?"

Now playing

I agree with you that this is one of the best encapsulations of the views of Jesus that I have read. I myself only pray to little baby Jesus...sweet baby Jesus.

Yes we can let our tweens dress like sluts but it is imperative that we never show them the world of real sex and power plays and all the rest. Tween girls always gravitate and are encouraged to gravitate towards asexual almost girl like boys/men like David Cassidy, InSync, Bieber, Leo, etc.

Breasts just cant seem to win. Yet they are all anybody, male or female, seems to think about. This is just such a Gordian knot that it makes my head explode. I love big breasts but I also love B cups. I am a male. I think it is women who have most of the breast issues. Males like em in all sizes and shapes.

Yet another "female" gene that I seem to possess as a male. Either the study is bullshit or I should start trying to find dresses in my size.