
As time goes on and the senior citizen brigade realizes that the internet is not a fad and that they can and need to use "computers" I think we really will see that they become one of the biggest users of social media. However, if enough time goes by then "we" will have become "them" and no one will even notice

Well your article stated it better than I can but it amazes me how strange these bedfellows can be in this Republican tent. Big money and the moral crusaders. I just wish the two would actually take the time to meet and realize how little they have in common.

I agree with your take on it. I wish we could all turn off the judgemental part of our beings and just let people be who they are. I am fascinated by transgendered people. I find some of them so beautiful and I find all of them brave. Their existence will probably never be condoned by all of society but I do think

The song is like crack for the pleasure centers in the brain. Good pop has "hooks" just like this one that burrow deep into our brains. I love how she accentuates "talk". It is a synchopated rhythm that is impossible to resist.

As always there seem to be two different camps represented in this debate. Some see the co-ed experience as bad for girls who tend to get overlooked by some teachers (though this might not happen as much now as it did in the 70s and 80s). The other camp sees the co-ed experience as good for girls since it teaches boys

"... a matter of mutual respect." That is what it all comes down to. There has to be give and take between the two parties in the relationship and has to be from a place of mutual respect. Yahoo should not have published this crappy list made up of responses from guys who have mostly seen women on TV and magazines and

Lots of strong opinions on this subject. If it were not for tv and the movie from a few years ago, most of us would be unaware that it even went on. These reality shows are shining a light on a lot of little sub cultures that have existed and will continue to exist in this big country of ours. To most of us who don't

I tend to agree with you Tominda_Ann. I am older and grew up in Western N.Y. and although there were people just like the Thompsons that I knew and went to school with, I don't remember people being so proud of their backwardness. One good example is the trend now for just about every male in these rural areas to wear

Well written Jenna. Good points. New found freedom takes time to get used to and get comfortable with. Young people in college often act as if their parents are still watching them and their peers will often metaphorically stand in as those watching parental eyes. But as the Bard Billy Joel once wrote "...Ah but

I am happily married for 21 years and drink more now than I used to. It has nothing to do with marriage. I started drinking during a very stressful episode of employment/unemployment a few years ago. I don't drink excessively now but I have gone from teetotaling when I was first married to a couple of drinks a day

I think it matters to guys in that it is a way to gauge the orgasm. Lots of spunk feels like more of an orgasm. But alas as one gets older the volume decreases, though on the plus side, like you pointed out, less to clean up.

This is good news. I was so jealous of those little wankers having all that fun. Glad we scared them all straight back into solo masturbation.

Well put. It is exactly prudishness over sex. We punish sex workers for life after we use their services. It is a terrible world we have crafted.

I watched a lot of the first season of teen mom and didn't think it glamorized them at all but then a let it go and now Farrah has got a boob job and thinks she is some kind of pop star!

I am old enough to have lived through 70's feminism (although I was just a kid) and I think this kind of thing would have been sniffed at by that generation of women. It seemed to be the feeling then that porn was objectification of women. Apparently the grandchildren of that generation and even some of that

Now playing

So you're saying Hooters isn't the Debil?

"Rejected bumper reel from the Man show?" No, I think Jimmy and Adam would definitely have used that. I've never been that attracted to female athletes before but NBC has convinced me that I am missing something.

I agree. She just comes off as the overly smart girl who feels she is important and needed by the rest of us...if we would just wake up and realize how brilliant she is! Even after being fired she has yet to adopt any real humilty. Of course it was her dressing to "perk up" America that the dumb bosses couldn't

You may be right about this. I think porn does influence some of my tastes in how women should look.

I absolutely positively agree Hercules! Keep toenails short.