
Thanks. Looking forward to it! :)

Hey! Dark Cloud 2 is also on my “need to play” list. Hopefully it will work out better if I ever get around to play it, and if not, well, the sea is packed full of fish.

After years wanting to do it, I finally started playing Rogue Galaxy (on the PS4) a couple months back. Boy have games improved in the quality of life department since then. The repetitive music that couldn’t be turned off or down was driving me nuts, and the less than stellar interface kept eroding my patience. Once

Great advice! I work next to a busy avenue so I’ll just hop out a second, give it a try and tell you how it goes. BRB!

Yeah, you do have a point. I’m sure I’ll still be able to get my fill of Japanese awesome and then some.

And just like that my nascent plans to visit Japan next year suddenly go up in smoke as I reschedule for 2023.

Other that being distressed at the news and wishing Mike the fastest and most successful of recoveries, this was the first thought that crossed my mind. If Snacktaku has to be a casualty, so be it, but eating all that crap hopefully will stop.

Well, no-one said anything about him being agile. ;)

Firewatch 3 confirmed!

Here in Spain we seem to have adopted the English words “gamer” and “gaming”, at least within actual gaming circles.

But... if it only had the dark theme it would have to be called Concord, wouldn’t it?

How I miss the time when I could get this lost in a game. And I can’t even put my finger on what’s changed other than me being older.

No stuffed unicorn though.

It’s not really five years though. It came out in November 2013, so it’s still not even four yearns and a half.

Leaving money on the kitchen top and getting the hell out while the help gets the job done.

...if you are into that sort of thing. If you prefer single-player though...

Wow, I missed that!

The Corsair one moved me and made me chuckle at the same time.

It was a weird and slightly unpleasant experience. Here I was, genuinely enjoying a game that, sure, was super-niche but whatever, and then wherever I turned online I saw nothing but outrage and hatred. Just pointing out that I actually liked it ellicited anything from mere disdain to outright name-calling. Like I