
If you can dodge a script, you can dodge a ball.

Relax. This is hardly a Vodka Samm situation.

I found this somewhat easy to masturbate to.

Deadspin will not, must not rest until the identity of the Bills Twerker is revealed.

Expecting to get paid for just a few seconds? She's got a terrible twerk ethic.

A good looking woman in Buffalo. Whodathunkit?

The potential problem isn't "bullying," but bias.

Odd. If there's anyone you'd expect to be alert to this kind of tactic, it's the Trojans.

"Our starting quarterback, Rudy Johnson, was beaten up...and he didn't beat himself up."

Correction: this was actually Andres's second apology of the broadcast... the first time he asked viewers to forgive his wonton remarks.

Lin is quite simply on fire tonight, ladies and gentlemen.

Yes, but she's saying "Champlain? Shmoopie loopie"

an electorate dominated by neo-Puritan scolds, milquetoast handwringers, and straight-out dimwits

Good for Papa John's to discontinue that deal. I mean, what company wants a famous associate of theirs to have the image of an inebriated slob?

Has anyone optioned the movie rights yet for "Into Thin Air Bud?"

so mountain
very ice
is white

The Leghorn Foghorn being murdered part did me in. Bravo, Yahoo.

LOL.... Or in Madden when you were on D as a lineman and accidentlly hit the wrong button and the next thing you know your the corner jumping up in the air for no reason and your opponent scores a 90 yd td pass and you throw your controller at the wall

That's what it used to look like when I'd switch to the wrong player on defense in NBA 2K.

I spent all afternoon in the stands at the Colts game and I would have appreciated a big sign blocking my view for most of it.