
Nintendo Worker A: “Oh, man. We don’t have any major title for the Wii U’s holiday season. What do we do to rake in cash?”

top of the list of things i didn’t expect from Nintendo.

Selling it is worse.

Selling it. Losing it in a crash means you were the last owner and no one else can have that car. I sold my motorcycle last year and am paranoid I will see it drive by on the street every time the weather is nice. I saw it once last year and I fucking broke down and cried.

Choosing to sell a car you love is worse. Maybe you don’t even really have a choice and need to sell it.

Selling it — losing it in a crash is something you can’t really look back and regret, shit just happens. But voluntarily parting with your vehicle is something you can always look back on.

If that were anywhere near me, I’d seri0usly consider it.

Stance basically is to make the car sit low, with the wheels sitting close to the fenders, or to sit “flush” if you want to use that term.

But there aren’t really any rules as to how much camber you need to have, or how much stretch, or even if you need it at all. That’s really all up to each individual person. There

Fixed it!

“I don't care” is the first stance defence I’ve heard that makes any sense.

Yes, in the exact same way fire does something to a house’s structural integrity.

You’d be wrong. When I bought a similar condition version of this car 15 years ago, it was $1500, and came with a speaker system and extra engine.

Seriously, what the commenters above me have said. Not only were EGR systems failure prone right up into the ‘90s, they were also slightly more complicated than the wiring on the space shuttle. Back when I had my ‘85 Prelude, I actually tried to keep the EGR on it running (made the car start on the half-crank in the

Because EGR systems only have 1 guarantee. They will fail, making your car an undriveable pos.


I’d rather be seen in it the way it sits now than in that #61 Stancy-Pants.

Because the old Toyota egr set ups were fiddly as all hell, and had a tendency to cause rough idle/ stalling if not hosed out on a pretty regular basis, so in my opinion, it's a light drivability upgrade

Which is why I went and got into iRacing.

~psst~ No console game has every taken this much needed approach....