If the Mirai was even slightly uglier, everyone who looked at it would turn to stone. Goddamn is that awful.
If the Mirai was even slightly uglier, everyone who looked at it would turn to stone. Goddamn is that awful.
Thats the joke
I thought it beneficial to just boil it down to something even a Top Gear producer can understand.
.....strangely enough, I agree. Pure electric is not the answer, batteries aren’t good enough, and probably never will be.
I cannot agree with this more. Electrification is NOT the answer. Electromotive MIGHT be viable, but pure electrification is not. The energy expended in building the batteries alone sacrifice any benefit the offer later, not to mention the need to still generate electricity in some way.
We need to be focusing on…
You have to respect Mazda’s approach. They are the most fuel efficient automaker yet they dont offer any hybrids or EV’s (they dont offer anything more than 4 cylinders either). Theyve made the ICE’s super efficient (compared to all other automakers). On a side note, this makes FCA and a Mazda partnership on compacts…
All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.
Yup, looks like there was an asshole-off, and the Nissan was the loser, which is a shame because that 300 is probably totaled.
They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.
I don’t know if it is my love for Stewart clouding my judgement, but it seriously just sounds like he admitted to never hearing those rumors before, which is believable because the only reason I know of those rumors is because of this site.
We should call them Beigers.
Beigers is good.
The beige. Beigers.
This has me wondering about the feasibility of taking a regular, $2,000 190 and making it look like the Evo pictured here. It’s gorgeous, in a brutally German sort of way, a road-going ME-262 if you will.
Dat hood ornament tho, its like a gun ironsight to aim at the poor people your one percent self will hit
Am I the only one who would rather have this over a base model Ferarri? This is so much cooler than any other similarly priced new car.