
What a pretentious piece of shit article, it doesn’t matter the shoes you wear.
...unless they’re Crocs, those are inexcusable.

I wouldn’t mind a 295hp, AWD version, in a nice color combo....

The fact that that model of GT3 is 10 years old, makes me feel incredibly old...

It should have two tail pipes, and 200hp. This car is a lazy “effort” in every respect. Very disappointing.

Welded diffs for the win.

I would adapt a Toyota-Getrag V160 transmission “the 6-speed from the Supra Turbo”. Custom bellhousing (can be made by cutting and welding the two,  Merc and Toyota bellhousings at the correct length and points), Adapt a flywheel and clutch (whatever is closest in size and fitment so it requires as little modification

From personal experience, Japanese engineering is way way way better.

I can understand the hate from people who already have a PS4 (everyone on Kotaku, and gaming in general), but as a holdout still playing on PS3, the PS4pro makes a lot of sense to me. For 100 bucks more I get a better performing console.

“Stop everything you’re doing and listen to this, it will give you goosebumps:”
*Shittiest type of techno starts playing.


Damn, Halle Berry looks AMAZING for a 50 year old!!!

It did, one sold for half a million.

God dammit Toyota, it’s not complicated! Just stretch and widen the GT86 chassis and stick a Turbo inline 6 in it, and make it 60-80k!!!!

It’s cool that it has 30 games pre-installed, but I gotta say, I kinda wish it also accepted tiny cartridges too....

Selling it is worse.

No side view? Not convinced.

The Supra will appreciate in value, that IS...not so much, at least for another couple of decades.

I always saw it as a Honda CVCC, or a Suzuki Swift.

YESSSS!!!!!!! Ok, NOW I’m hyped for this game!!!