
What’s the difference between this guy and Lance Armstrong? One’s a doper with one ball, one’s a dope with 9000 balls.

Sure, he may have 9000 balls but it seems may be missing one or two where it counts....

I would only watch Cowherd and Whitlock if they had to fight each other to the death for their own survival. And even then it would be disappointing because one of them would survive.

The combined salary of the English team and manager is 134% of the GDP of Iceland. That’s an actual fact that puts the size of this upset into perspective.

Ironic because he does such a poor job at resisting running backs’ advances by refusing to hit them...

Good to see Steward get that killer instinct back after the last two years have been murder for him.

I’m just glad to see at least two people actually got the joke here.

You have a ring, you’re a champion. That’s how it works. They don’t give you the ring if you didn’t contribute to the championship. You get it, you contributed, therefore you’re a champion. Why is this hard?

In his defense he may ne 0-6 in picking the actual winner, and 0-6 at providing any basketball knowledge or insight, but he’s 6-0 at loud obnoxious takes, and 6-0 at making me want to punch my TV when I see his face.

It’s up to Dan Gilbert. I bet he gives him one for 12 years of service in Cleveland and taking one for the team.

He’s an NBA champion too.

“Ty Lue is just a puppet of LeBron James so LeBron can run and coach the team”

I can only imagine what Brett Favre would do with a ring that said “Peters” on it

He has more trillions than the national debt.

And so Jerry Lawler becomes Andy Kaufman...

WADA is corrupt, wada is wet.

That thing is so bad it’s just... bad. I prefer multiple levels of terribleness - bad mascot, bad concept, terrifying, unnecessary, pedophile, has anatomically correct cock and balls.... it’s Clark the Cub all day all night.

Draymond Green even knew hat was an intentional handball

I know most of you saw the headline and assumed I had passed. I want to assure you all I’m alive and well.