Just what Samsung needs, headlines involving the words Galaxy and Battery :)
Just what Samsung needs, headlines involving the words Galaxy and Battery :)
trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.
Careful with that. You’re likely to jump-start a lot of bad puns in response.
Careful with that. You’re likely to jump-start a lot of bad puns in response.
Your pun got me all “amp”-ed up. Try not to laugh, but “resistance” is futile...Ohms!
Your pun got me all “amp”-ed up. Try not to laugh, but “resistance” is futile...Ohms!
Don’t get all amped up over it. You’ll just blow a fuse.
Don’t get all amped up over it. You’ll just blow a fuse.
Your pun was re-volt-ing.
Your pun was re-volt-ing.
1. Purchase LTC on coinbase
If you get the chance, DO IT. I’m not a gamer, so I don’t have the track memorized (or even familiar for that matter) since I don’t play GT, Forza, etc. As long as you’re not an asshole, have some track etiquette (stay right and signal for others to pass) and follow the rules, you will have the time of your life. It’s…
Schwedenkreuz is the one to look out for. It’s a left-hander, but the speeds through there are VERY fast, plus there’s a crest right at the start. If you have too much steering input through that crest, and a suspension that isn’t properly damped, odds are you’ll lose it there in excess of 100mph.
TSA is there to keep us all safe
If you’re a regular flier, this isn’t advice for you.
sure, these are hypothetical, but they’re based on what internet providers have already done even with some regulation. waiting and hoping is a dangerous move if you’re worried about this issue
YES. You can also use this link (www.gofccyourself.com) to file a statement with the FCC supporting net neutrality. Just select “express” and then fill out your info and write ““I support strong net neutrality backed by title 2 oversight of ISPs” (or something like that) as your comment.
This is flat out theft from citizens of the United States. We have subsidized telecom since it started in the 1800's and these robber barons owe us unhindered service.
So... keep calling?
Sorry to break it to you, but the Firefox engineering team didn’t use your own personal preferences as their bible. Ridiculous, I know.
I think the only answer is to space it out. Everyone needs a break more than once per year. I once worked for a company that had some stupid requirement that you took two consecutive weeks off once per year. When I only had two weeks of vacation it sucked!
Pretty sure that’s the deal in Australia too. A friend who did an exchange year in Spain the year before Zara opened doors in Australia was shocked at how expensive it was here. Either way, it’s abominable how they treat workers. I always found Oxfam’s annual Naughty or Nice list handy (even though the bar is still…
Wasn’t there a similar scenario recently? It may have been at forever 21, not Zara but it was found to be false.