
I agree.

I, for one, certainly wish they didn’t spread so easily!!

The original grade school meme.

Now explain why we all know this doodle.

Sorry, but most big American cities really are only worth visiting for very short periods of time.

He’s a sneaky little shit, just like Niedermeyer.

I’ve never seen any proof that Pence is a sentient being.

i’m an eagles fan but i’d love to see Dak/Zeke/Dez all kneel down and give him the finger. what’s Jerry going to do, bench them?

Dak, Zeke, and Dez could absolutely call his BS without involving any other teammates. I hope they do.

Hahaha! Like that is going to matter. They *ARE* stupid; they’ll vote for the party of white power GOP again.

Hate truly is the fountain of youth.

You don’t tell a lie that bad to people you respect.

Haha. And remember, he had a press contingent with him and his staff told the reporters to stay on their buses because there “might be an early departure from the game.” Meaning, he and his staff knew all along he was only flying there to waste money and time. It’s interesting that the press corps is reporting how he

Seriously. If Peter “Company Man” King feels okay with poo-pooing you, you have failed.

A PR stunt so shitty that even the milquetoast Peter King felt comfortable firing off a critical take.

To be fair, his wife did save at least $100 in taxpayer money by not purchasing a Peyton Manning jersey from the official NFL shop.

This is me playing Trivial Pursuit. I always answer “Spiro Agnew” on every question related to US history and get it right every single time.

This guy is amazing. I love that he’s willing to risk so freaking much in double and final Jeopardy. The other night the guy needed to just wager over $2k in final Jeopardy to guarantee a win, and he wagered something like $20k. It’s funny to see people win a day of Jeopardy with like $10k-$15k, and then this guy will

this is my husband and I don’t like who he becomes when he is on Jeopardy!