
Oh, I’m aware of that! Our governor is an ignorant asshole and I’m (non-ironically) considering running for his position in 2018 because it’s to the point that I don’t even know what else I can do.

There are no term limits and we’re paying this guy nearly $150k a year to f*ck us.

When we visited the twin last year we made extensive use of the light rail system! I’m from the Madison, WI area so even having the option was pretty damn nice.

Gross, I drove one a few weeks ago and it was bad. Very bad.

Watching every single one of your dream cars appreciate into “not possible in my lifetime” territory. Luckily, most of mine are still depreciating. Most.

My runner ups are listening to people who have no clue what they’re talking about when they try to talk cars and friends/family who ask for car advice “hey, should I

My initial reaction was “hell yes!” because I’ve been planning to do something similar with my own 1970 250 for a while now (the i6 won’t die!).

Thanks for doing this! I’ve been hoping for a site to do a round up of all the messed up stuff going down. I like a good in depth article but at this point I’m having trouble just keeping up.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention! What a beautiful car, and the F102 as well, man I’d love to own that charming little thing.

Thanks for this! F.E.A.R. was the first game I brought home with my PS3 (MGS4 was included) followed closely by Bioshock (which was the first PS3 game I became obsessed with!).

F.E.A.R. was a great game and I really enjoyed playing it. You’re spot on with your praise and critique, the level design was bland but fun to

Kind of neat to see a review of these pop up here. I’ve been tracking the V10 R8 value since a first gen V10 is my dream car. I’ve seen these Alpha 10 versions pop up a few times, completely nuts and not something I’d consider (or be able to afford) but it’s nice to see someone doing something with the R8!

Alright, as much as I want to hate this guy... I just can’t. He sounds exactly like I would if I were taking delivery of an R8, excited and completely lost in the experience. Maybe a whole lot less bro-ey but still.

Thanks, now I’m nostalgia tripping at work. I spent so damn much time on a lot of these games when I was younger.

FFXII blew my Mind coming from X. Sure Vann is annoying but I didn’t find him any more annoying than Tidus. I liked X but the aesthetic and gameplay of XII was leagues ahead for me. Plus the active battle

Now playing

I love these too! House of the Rising Sun cover for the Coven season of American Horror Story is a personal favorite. One of my favorite songs and I was psyched when I heard it, so damn good!

I have a W114 sedan that I love, now I need this W115 based truck to complete my life. Thanks Patrick!

You’re going to extract him!?

Man, I miss this show! I used to watch it with my brother all the time, it’s definitely responsible for some of our less-than-roadworthy modifications.

First computer game I ever had! I certainly blame it for my wanting to own a Porsche, and it’s probably at least a little at fault for my becoming a Jalop.

Madison + RX-8 in Winter, you get a star!

Can confirm, have a 1970 250, which isn’t even a “special” Benz, that won’t die. It’s rusty (has more to do with how the previous owners treated it and drove it in Wisconsin winters) but it’s extremely solid as a daily driver and much less expensive than people think.

Yep, the volunteer thing doesn’t bother us much. Training and equipment are what we try to focus on.

Good question, I’m fairly certain it’s covered under normal taxes but we just don’t get much from them. We only have ~200 people in our “village” but we cover much more than that and we have mutual aid agreements as well.