
Nope, we’re keeping them around since they were leak tested not long ago and we may still need them depending on the situation.

Rural volunteer here! Membership and funding are big issues for us, no one wants to run into burning houses for free (though it sounds cool when you put it that way) and they don’t want to do it with the 1980's tech we have because of our poor funding.

I’ll add my story to this list of LeSabre love as well!

I really enjoyed this! I’m sending it to my sister who is in the previously mentioned group of idiot that spend way to much on horses (then again I have a car with $7k in it that hasn’t run yet). I know this is just a fun article but I do have to be that guy as I used to ride horses (4-H life!).

I’ll second the Mazda3 answer, much cheaper used and much more fun.

Agreed, it’s beautiful and I’m actually considering one as a future car because my god it’s beautiful and I’d only be able to have a Miata if it has a hard top at some point. I’m too lazy to removed a hard top every time I want to feel windy, so this is the best of both worlds. Making up for another 200lbs with extra

45 one way for me right now, no electric for me! If only I could afford a Tesla...

My guess is because if he had just said Cindy McCain I sure as hell would not know who that it. I’m not necessarily representative of most Jalopnik visitors, but that’d be my guess.

Hey, I’ve got one of these stories too! I finished the engine, but I have no engine hoist. And it’s also cold out.

If you’ve done it a hundred times then yes. Speaking from experience, it can be rewarding but it can also be largely frustrating to the point where you just stop for half a month. Especially if you aren’t 100% confident in what you’re doing.

I’ll agree with some of the others that these will eventually be replaced by the little bluetooth donlges. But, I have tried those dongles and none of them worked on my car. I picked up a cheap Autel 310 on Amazon and have had no problems pulling & deleting codes.

I knew if I read enough of these I’d find something local. Never had the pleasure myself, but I’ve been told by various others not to ride the buses in Madison.

This is not okay.

I love my Mazda3, so last weekend I took some time off from another car I’m building to give it some POR-15 style love. I was initially going to just paint the rusty rear quarter panel, but I decided to pull the side skirts and check all that as well. Some things are better left alone.

As someone who just rebuilt an engine, that is amazing.

Just cleaned one of mine the other day, little easier since the engine and trans are out. I didn’t think of just bagging everything, ended up using tin foil which worked pretty well. Wish this had gone up last week!

I want to star this but it’s at 69, I just can’t ruin that.

How have you not been bombed with death threats yet?

I didn’t know you could have both at the same time! I’m feeling the upgrade itch, and the GSM option has opened up a lot more of those shiny phones.

Ting offers CDMA & GSM depending on what phone you’ve got. My fiance and I both have Sprint phones and are on Ting via CDMA. We also pay around $34 a month, Ting is pretty great!