Whoever she is, she'll be white. So yall enjoy.
Whoever she is, she'll be white. So yall enjoy.
we should play MRA bingo on these threads
Women have nothing to gain from falsely reporting harassment. Use your brain and stop parroting debunked cliches just because they sound more palatable to you.
Yeah those bitches be lyin'. Totally. And obvious when it's a he-said she-said situation what HE says is totally the believable story because lying bitches be lyin'.
Someone sic Lisbeth Salander on this guy.
don't start with this bullshit, please. france is nowhere near immune from racism - they had fucking zoos with people from africa in them. ZOOS WITH PEOPLE. - and in the modern technology age with the internet EVERYONE SEES EVERYTHING and it's a 24/7 global news cycle. so that argument that 'black face is different in…
Right, b/c "women won't date me" usually means "I tried to holla at Halle Berry/Nia Long/Gabrielle Union/Beyonce" and she ignored me so all black women want are thugs and gangstas.
I think when I was in high school I did a sit-up once.
Blah blah blah American assumptions about race bing bong bing how would they know? Skippity doo the Klan isn't necessarily racist yadda yadda yadda no one outside of the States has heard of blackface so it doesn't count kablamo whamo SO WE CAN'T EVEN LOVE AFRICA ANYMORE? zoobley zoo You're the real racists.
Love the article, but the whole "she doesn't act Black" comment is a tad concerning.
Why, thank you! lol I try and whatnot. There was a point in time where I trained in music (lol I remember nothing now....except I can still sight-read. welp...), so hitting me with some bullshit music theory excuse made me wanna punch something. I chose to funnel that into snark. It happens. lol
My dude, really? Are you really arguing that when it was AFRICAN improvisations, rhythms, and syncopation that, mixed with European theory, created Jazz? Which created Blues? Which created RnB? Which K-Pop has its basis? Word? You're doing that? In real life? Fa'real? Go fuck YOURSELF, homie. Music artforms that are…