The Ides Of Light

Trying to figure out why "Out of Wedlock" is still a term thats on the books....

Why exactly is the term "African diaspora" wrong, again? As a Black person it is literally how I am present in America at the moment, so....I'll wait.

"False accusations"

Yep. Definitely a Redditor. Sad as fuck STEM insults, really? hat's just goddamn pathetic.

"ITT" Found the shitty redditor. Lmao.

Why am I not seeing a flood of anger from any MRAs?

Barby dont know how the Black identity works. Clearly. Just just leave it alone. Yes, biracial people are still Black. All Black people are upwards of 33% European, indigenous and latino.

You must be white.

Thanks. I'm glad we agree.

I'd certainly love for it to go in that direction. Because it needs to happen.

"BPD" - Found the Reddit MRA type. You fucks always sling borderline personality disorder at any woman you want to try and sting. Its the new flavor of gaslighting and most of us know where it originated. You tried though.

Found the vegan. -eats bacon-

" mean, no one really is eating extra meat or abusing animals in some way because PETA did something that they found annoying, but every time, half the comments say exactly that."

Speak for your damned self. I am literally cooking up 5 extra slices of bacon because of this post.

"I feel completely misunderstood"

The gold chains, nose ring, pitch black skin and more don't clue you in, confused "Black" girl?

"Glossing over"

Oh god, shut up. Damned near every other account about slavery is to do with Black men unless it was written by Toni Morrison in the form of fiction. In fact, the whole MOVIE is about a Black male slave. I really hate this doublethink. Something focuses solely on men? "Oh, well that's normal and to be

If I get married, there's a huge chance my last name will begin with "Ø" and I am about that life.

That's sad. You even named yourself "Karmawhore"

There's a whole world outside of Reddit, dude.

Yes, I am an "asshole" for pointing out the hypocrisy of White Feminism which, as a Black womanist/Feminist is always loud and clear in these comments.

Yes, I am an asshole because you just strawmanned all overweight people as being lazy gluttons and then tried to smooth out your own bullshit by agreeing they don't

White feminism, everybody!