Virginia (The Heartographer)

Thank you for validating my decision to sign up for OKC last week, Mark. Now can we also get an article about how New Year's Day is the best time to impulsively give yourself bangs? Asking for a friend.

"...lupine friend..."
A fox would be vulpine

I would like to take this opportunity to confirm for the record that I am also a cat.

Movies and to single guys in their early 30s that are clearly not screening their dates well enough.

I just had the strangest thought:

Good god she's like a romantic comedy archetype.

I thought that kinda thing only happened in movies.

There was the unemployed law school grad who started sobbing on our date because she had just broken up with a guy because he was agoraphobic. When she regained her composure, she tried to kiss me, then started sobbing again. I got a text from her later that night letting me know that she "really had a good time."

I went on an Okc date and had a lovely time. We were in a rush so I got up to take my card to the front to pay for my bill. As I'm paying she walks past me not saying a word and leaves the restaurant. Puzzled I head back to my table to notice I left my wallet on the table and all my credit cards and cash were taken. I

There's a reason the old joke is so often told : "How do you know someone went to Harvard?" "They already told you a dozen times."

I went on a date last week with someone I met from OK Cupid. He seemed nice enough before meeting, but then meeting was terrible. Fun Fact: someone that went to Harvard will mention that they went there 4-6 times per sentence. Any opinion you have will be only about 60% as valuable as their Harvard opinion.

They are willing. They do speak out. They are speaking out.

There have already been all those comments.

If it's happening everywhere, then by that very supposition, this says everything about the gaming community and industry. And just as other industries and communities need to battle this behavior in their own respective groups, we too need to do our part in the gaming community.

There's the article.

thank you! that had always kind of baffled me as to what exactly it meant.

That particular myth bugs the crap out of me.