Virginia (The Heartographer)

Thank you for validating my decision to sign up for OKC last week, Mark. Now can we also get an article about how New Year's Day is the best time to impulsively give yourself bangs? Asking for a friend.

"...lupine friend..."
A fox would be vulpine

I would like to take this opportunity to confirm for the record that I am also a cat.

They are willing. They do speak out. They are speaking out.

There have already been all those comments.

If it's happening everywhere, then by that very supposition, this says everything about the gaming community and industry. And just as other industries and communities need to battle this behavior in their own respective groups, we too need to do our part in the gaming community.

There's the article.

thank you! that had always kind of baffled me as to what exactly it meant.

That particular myth bugs the crap out of me.

yeah i'm kind of surprised at the whole "i can't believe that people looking for one night stands don't care about someone's personality!"

I genuinely don't think there is a difference in the people who are on the mainstream/not overtly religious or otherwise community driven dating sites. Over the years I used virtually all of them. And I met my husband on OKCupid. Online or in a bar, it's all about sifting, sorting, and ignoring/discarding those not

Hot Idiot Looking For CASUAL SEX Gets Constantly Propositioned

I met my fiancee on OKCupid. Getting married in May.

The thing that upsets me the most is how fricking COMMON this is. I often have to explain to my guy clients that, while girls on OkCupid may seem reticent to reply to them, they're being vetted against some seriously bitter jackasses. Guys like this one can ruin the online dating experience for not just the women they

Neat! I'm sort of in a big city. Well, it's really POPULATED, but it's also spread out. (Orlando) My biggest thing is that I'm now a single mom with two young sons, and I never have a Friday or Saturday night available. Guess I'm just not sure what guy would be interested, y'know? :-/

but how do we sleep while our beds are burning?