
So it's similar to iCloud and Photostream with the additions of Facebook and Flickr? The auto archive seems very handy, I hope this works well with WP8. Now only if WP8 worked better with Macs

I want to be able to dismiss* them right away, so they don't interfere* with what I'm doing.

There may or may not be a coworker of mine who does this along with not filing mail messages. Drives me crazy and guess who gets to clean this up when there's issues???

Best name ever

This is more accurate than I could ever imagine. I see those comments far too much

They should have split the group of four up on opposite sides so they don't have to do the terrible quad split screen and only do halfsies

I guess the mortgage and banking shamble has been dealt with. I'm so glad they fixed that up and have moved on to this drain on our economy. This is just another revenue stream for these fleeting idiots.

By far one of the coolest people to follow on twitter. She is also awesome to her fans. That will be all.

No logic is involved when arguing this point, nor science for that matter....

Like the assumptions that man causes global warming are hilarious as well. Intro to any science class will tell you that correlation doesn't equal causation. How many factors do you think there are in the world that will cause global warming? Was the link you provided aimed at showing me that global cyclical events

The commenters below did a great job, but if you had a phone that was a gigantic part of one network and not so much on other networks, then you may get skewed results. I have personally seen slower data speeds on our network as well as the 3G or 3G+++ of AT&T. That doesn't mean that numbers will not be skewed on

The "reconstructed temperature" is only based off of 1000 years, last I checked the earth has been around a tad bit longer. Also the earth cooled 0.5 percent from 1800 to 1820 which is a quicker climate change than what has happened in the current change. We can't tell if this is man made or due to the cyclical

Agreed, where is blog view? Gone so we have to use the damn side-a-magig.

May not want to release a test the day the phone comes out with all carriers. iPhone is a much bigger (popular) smartphone than the others, so data may get skewed a bit.

Well played, I was just saying there are biological dads that get the shaft because the lady friend bailed and married another dude. Sorry to group you into that category, diapers are literally shitty.

I know, it seemed harsh but some of us have to deal with the opposite side of this situation. I'll take an iPhone 4s if he's buying.

One thing I never understood about Android devices is how people deal with the eligibility for upgrades. Such as does will my phone be able to upgrade? How long is a phone's life in the android world? Just a wondering thought

Nothing like pissing off your step kid's biological father. Realize they are not related to you, as they will when they are older.

I almost did it without a reason or any money....that's what us Apple fanbois do for a living