
Misti is genuinely sincere and is on XBox all the time. She is good people....and even sent me a signed photo because she is awesome to her fans. Hey, you put the flamethrower down....

As a Pearl Jam fan, i can say this was well written and thought out. As a Joe Buck "hater", I will try to be nicer, but there is still the hatred for Chicago sports that shines through. Hopefully Eddie didn't witness this. Joe, Chicago knows you hate them. Please stop being so obviously biased especially when the

Because this is what we think of as a "mobile phone"

If you interfere with the animal in any way (show up in their territory, place a collar on them) then the study will suffer from observer bias. Otherwise cool tech

Please be nice to us Cubs fans, we have had enough tragedy this season...

I brought this up on this very website when the Japan news broke and got lambasted pretty harshly via angry messages. I guess I was ahead of my time.

"You know you're fucked when you're relying on AT&T to make things better."

Awesome, beat me to it

Anyone have a Kensington Orbital Mouse? Any workarounds? I'm finding it having some issues, tried reinstalling with the beta driver, but no go. Scrolling seems awkward and no programmable buttons....

And were taken down by a lousy cable repair man

Anyone even take a look at what the "evil" companies are doing? Being in the industry, I can tell you that it takes a huge amount more environmental impact to make the recyclable structures you see for Sun Chips. Like 4 times more. Also, there is far less impact than producing paper bags. Did you know 2 of these

Ak you stole my thunder, apparently from the future

Agreed with you on the beer revival, but it's the big 2 now

Yay I'm proud of myself for not screwing this up (2 days later)

170 people like this on Facebook, stay classy America

Great tip for adding min dot easily to any photo you are working on, I'm talking to you flexo pre-press people. This is how we do it

Wait they have "WHAT"?

@iPhone4Guy: Try deleting the alarms and re-adding them

PMS 2597 please, thanks